

  • Google wants your help making cheaper, tinier solar power systems

    Jon Fingas
    Jon Fingas

    Solar panels have become cheaper and more efficient in recent years, but you can't say the same for the big, costly inverters turning their energy into usable electricity. Google isn't happy with this lack of progress, so it's about to launch the Little Box Challenge, an open competition to build a tiny (and consequently cheaper) solar power inverter. The search giant is promising $1 million to whoever cracks the problem, although it warns that this won't be easy; don't expect to reach a breakthrough in your basement. If someone does produce this miniscule power box, though, it could lead to eco-friendly energy in places where it's currently unaffordable or otherwise impractical -- whether it's a remote village or your own rooftop. [Image credit: Getty Images]

  • Toshiba's Charge Grid puts your solar panels to work, smartly charges your EV

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Got a bunch of photovoltaic cells and a vehicle that requires electricity? Toshiba's thought up a process dubbed "Charge Grid" by which you can juice the latter efficiently. When the sun's out and the electrons are flowing, it doesn't pay to put them into the grid, so this system stores them in a rechargeable battery ready to rapidly charge your EV. For nighttime when the electricity rates are low, a bidirectional inverter lets you hop right back on the neighborhood grid, so your solar cells are put to good use and your car is always well fed. The company tells Tech-On commercialization of the system is still a few years away, so you've plenty of time to raze that roof antenna in favor of some photosynthesized electricity.