

  • NY Daily News declares iPod Public Enemy #1

    Michael Rose
    Michael Rose

    The NY Daily News is a sober organ, not given to rank hyperbole or overstatement like that other NYC tabloid pictured here, with my all-time favorite headline. (I'm kidding -- the News still has its moments, even if the Post is by far the nuttier paper.) That said, it's troubling to find a note of hysteria in two stories today about the violent side of iPod ownership.New York City was the scene of the tragic 2005 murder of a Brooklyn teenager in an iPod robbery, but since then the NYPD and transit officials have begun to crack down on iPod theft and it seemed that matters were improving. Not so, says the News. "New FBI stats indicate the teenage obsession with [iPods] has triggered a jump in robberies, including some resulting in murder," reads the story, headlined "Apple's iPod blamed for nationwide crime rise." That's not incendiary at all!