jenna jameson


  • Poking around with Virtually Jenna Jameson

    Alexander Sliwinski
    Alexander Sliwinski

    Oh pr0n 2.0, you are so very close. Porn and games are often compared, but typically not related. However, we got to take a look at the new version of Virtually Jenna, the official video game of porn icon Jenna Jameson. The "game" is a Canadian title that is slowly being updated over time. It is currently available online only. Actually, the game lives on a server like an MMO to prevent piracy and comes with a $29.95 monthly fee.We sat down with Brad Abram, president of Xstream3D, to get a better understanding of the game. There are currently three versions of the title available to customers: Hetero, Homo and Hentai (Anime porn). Abram is surprised that the Hentai version hasn't done better, between the robot and massive tentacle creature sex options, he thought there would be a bigger market.

  • Will Wright is a pr0n star, blogs lowly game designer

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Derek Daniels, a low-ranking designer on the God of War team, recently broke the industry down like this:"In the videogame design world you have Miyamoto, Kojima, Will Wright, David Jaffe, and a handful of others that have risen to the top that have a little more control of their future. Then you have the other faceless designers that no one knows working on games doing some downright nasty things that I'm sure their mothers do not want to hear."Sounds like the porn industry, right? Well, that's Daniels' point at least. He reckons that videogame design is a young man's gamble, with a lifespan about as long as a girl doing porn. And when you finally burn out and leave the game behind, you're left with "a skillset that cannot be applied to anything else in life." [Thanks, Art]