

  • Rumor: British talk show host lending voice to Fable 3

    British talk show gadabout Jonathan Ross let slip on his Twitter feed that he's lending his voice to none other than Fable 3. Writes Ross, "Goodnight all. Must go to bed. Got asked to do voice in Fable 3 tonight. Subarashi. Oyasuminasia. Woss out." Now, it goes without saying that a follow-up to Joystiq's favorite game of 2008 will someday be made, but it seems far too early to be recording voices already. Still, could this latest remark mean that the sequel is further along than we dare hoped? Microsoft has offered no comment. However, Ross' following tweets read like mild psychosis mixed with a panic attack; Molyneux and his goon squad are not to be trifled with.

    Jason Dobson