kangaeru exit


  • 150 free downloadable levels heading for Exit 2

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Did you snag Kangaeru Exit when it was available for cheap? Hope so, because on November 24th, 150 new stages will be made available for download. That's a lot of gameplay for free. The levels are designed by aspiring game programming students at various universities around Japan, making this project one of the coolest school assignments I've ever heard of. [Via DCEmu]

  • Exit 2 downloadable demo

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    There's a lot of demos coming out today. The first of the bunch is Kangaeru Exit, the sequel to the PSP puzzler, Exit. The game's not announced for US release right now, so this may be the only way you'll be able to play through this game, lest you import it.1. Download the demo ZIP file.2. Extract the contents of the ZIP file.3. Connect your PSP to your computer using a USB cable.4. Go to the PSP/GAME folder.5. Copy ULJM05161 folder into the GAME directory. Check out our new demos site:demos.pspfanboy.com [Thanks, dave! Via PlayStation]

  • Think more in the 2nd Exit

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The first Exit for the PSP was a solid puzzle game, earning an average score of 77 from Metacritic. You starred as the stoic hero Mr. Exit, and it was your job to rescue people from hazardous situations. Although the original featured a ton of levels (and even more free downloadable ones), it appears that the fine people of Taito are ready to put Mr. Exit back to the test in Kangaeru Exit, or the "Thinking Exit." The sequel doesn't appear to be too different from the original, but as is expected of a game with the word "thinking" in the title, this iteration of the series will be less action-oriented and more puzzle oriented. The game will feature over 100 levels, and like before, feature downloadable content that'll extend the game's life. If only more games took advantage of that feature on the PSP...Importers can get ready to get their credit cards ready in less than a week. A US version is currently not planned.