

  • Guildwatch: The lolpatch buff

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Yes, last week it was slow going, but this week, guilds are charging ahead, powered by the crazy raid nerfs (not to mention our shiny new 51-point talents). There's nothing wrong with that -- Blizzard did exactly the right thing by letting guilds who'd never been into the later content see some new bosses and nab some epics before we all head to Northrend and pick up ten more levels. But all the same, even guilds downing bosses for the first time have to admit -- this is the time of the lolpatch.Drama, downed, and recruiting news from around the realms all after the break. Want to see your guild here (or see a particularly tasty drama thread, on your guild's forums or somewhere else, with some delicious tears to drink)? Just email us your tips at wowguildwatch at gmail dot com, and make sure to include your guild's name, server, and faction (and try to keep it short, if you would -- some people are sending us novels about their guild, which we appreciate, but as you can see below, there's not much room if we're going to fit everyone in). Thanks -- enjoy this week's GW.

  • Guildwatch: Running a Karathon

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Herewith, a quick guide to Guildwatch jargon you may not have heard yet:Loot Reaver: Void Reaver, so called because he's basically a loot pinata; hit him a few times until you get epics to drop.Karathon: Coined this week, it's when you finish Karazhan all in one night.Flawless Victory: Finishing a fight without any deaths (using Reincarnation or the Druid rez doesn't count)."On Notice": Meesa boss is gonna die? Yes. Yes he is.Got more insider guild jargon for us? If so, send them (and all your other guild news tips, anonymous as always) to wowguildwatch@gmail.com, and click the link below to see this week's Guildwatch, chock full of drama, downed, and recruiting news.