

  • In Soviet Russia, Mario moves you

    Candace Savino
    Candace Savino

    We're very partial to this Moving Mario art display, made by Keith Lam. We have to admit -- part of our love comes from the fact that it reminds us of The Price Is Right's "Cliff Hanger" game (you know, the one with the yodeler?). Sure, that's a far stretch, but we can't help where the synapses in our brains lead.Still, the main attraction of this display is the fact that it represents a side-scroller in its truest form. One where the player is the one moving, that is. Using a Famicom controller, the player moves the "television," and then follows along. All in all, it's a nice literal translation of "paper" Mario. Well done, Mr. Lam.*Note: This display and post has actually nothing to do with Soviet Russia. We just couldn't resist the immature use of an internet meme. Forgive us.[Via Engadget]

  • Playable Paper Super Mario... no really, he's made of paper

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    Taking Paper Mario to its logical -- albeit extreme -- conclusion, an artist / DIY'er named Keith Lam has created the first physical, playable implementation of Super Mario Brothers. By emphasizing Mario's movement on the background, and turning the "TV" into the object which moves, the character appears to traverse the familiar landscape of SMB, complete with collision detection, brick movement, and mechanized jumping. The "system" is built using a chain-driven platform, which is shakily directed with an actual NES (well, Famicom) controller, thus allowing for some game play -- though with response times like this, you're better off just watching. Speaking of, check the video after the break and see the system in action.[Via Wired]