

  • Steal this toy: GTA Vice City action figures [update 1]

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Rockstar Games and Medicom Toy Company have teamed up to release a set of action figures inspired by Grand Theft Auto: Vice City. The limited edition set is part of the famous Kubrick line of toys. The set of five includes Tommy Vercetti, Lance Vance, Ricardo Diaz, Candi Suxx, and Ken Rosenberg, scruples-free attorney.Toys teach kids to kill? Barbie caught in hot coffee scandal? The bad jokes are limitless.The set will be available this fall, but you can pre-order now for $35 -- that's nearly one-fourth the cost of the Fierce Deity Link. How often do you get to say that a Sony (inspired) product is vastly cheaper than a Nintendo (inspired) product?[via PSP Fanboy][update 1: Misread the sales page; the entire Grand Theft Auto Kubrick line has been in development for two years, not just this Vice City set. Snark removed.]