

  • The OverAchiever: 3 things that should be achievements but aren't

    Allison Robert
    Allison Robert

    Every Thursday, The Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. This week, we wonder how to make more work for ourselves. Not everything in the game is destined to be an achievement, but every so often you find yourself doing something and thinking, "Yes, I deserve 10 useless points for this." This feeling is most likely to occur while playing after a few beers and having one's sense of artificial outrage over the state of the world heightened for a bit, but sometimes you really find yourself wondering why demonstrable accomplishments in the game aren't actually achievements. When I started writing this article, I toyed with the idea of including a list of (largely snarky) possibilities like the following: Pugging an Outland dungeon that doesn't have a death knight in it. (Don't tell me that luck doesn't play a role in any achievements, because we all know it does.) Successfully skipping Baine trash without anyone butt-pulling a mob pack and dying. Participating in two hours of trade chat without the word anal appearing once. Leading a raiding guild for one month or more without suffering a psychotic breakdown. But these aren't achievements. They're myths, like unicorns and balanced budgets. Let us try to examine more reasonable suggestions.