

  • Why Kojima wanted MGS Legacy to include graphic novels

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima has taken to Twitter to add some insight into why he decided to include two graphic novels by artist Ashley Wood in the upcoming Metal Gear Solid Legacy Collection.The first two Metal Gear Solid have "got different control feeling" compared to modern games, says Kojima through a translator. The graphic novels are meant as more of a "watch MGS" mode for those raised on modern control schemes.With more remakes and longer series lately, it's not uncommon to see developers help players get players caught up on a universe one way or another. Including a graphic novel for backstory is an interesting way to make up for gameplay differences over a series' lifetime.The Legacy Collection will be out in June for PS3 and include the first two games, if you're up for the challenge, along with MGS 3, Peace Walker, MGS 4, and MGS: VR Missions.