

  • Rygarius clarifies Draenor's Secret Power hotfix

    Matthew Rossi
    Matthew Rossi

    One of the recent hotfixes was to the Draenor's Secret Power quest. Before the hotfix, players were able to complete the three heroic dungeons and turn in the quest items for the next stage in the legendary quest chain, getting an ilevel 680 ring in the process, because they were not required to complete the 4986 Apexis Crystals requirement first. Rygarius - Sooo you're letting them keep the rings? Here to provide additional clarification on the hotfix note that went out yesterday, November 17. Quests Draenor's Secret Power: Completion of this quest is now required before being able to move onto the next step of the Legendary quest chain. For characters that skipped this quest, completion of this quest has also been made into a requirement before being eligible for the next upgrade. This means players that skipped the quest will still have to complete Draenor's Secret Power before being eligible for the next upgrade. That last part wasn't included until now cause I was tunnel visioning on hotfixes and glossed over the supplemental email for the change. Hope this clears any confusion up. source If you have the ring, you'll be keeping it, but people who haven't yet upgraded will have to wait until they have the apexis crystals. Since raids won't be open until December, this is (to my eyes, anyway) a minor advantage for a few players. Going any further in the quest still costs that 4986 Apexis Crystals.

  • Start the legendary quest at level 98, get an epic ring

    Adam Koebel
    Adam Koebel

    The Warlords of Draenor legendary quest will culminate with a powerful ring instead of a cloak like in Mists of Pandaria. Similar to Wrathion's quest, you'll be given smaller rewards as you progress through Khadgar's quest that will ultimately lead up to the legendary version. However, instead of sockets or gems, you will be focusing on the ring from the start. You can actually get the first version of the ring (ilvl 640) before you even hit level 100 (though you do need to be 100 to equip it). Agility DPS: Solium Band of Dexterity Strength DPS: Solium Band of Might Caster DPS: Solium Band of Wisdom Healer: Solium Band of Mending Tank: Solium Band of Endurance The quest becomes available at level 98 and starts in your garrison. Continue after the break to learn how to get it.