

  • Darkfall kicks off its ultimate promotion

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Whether you're currently playing Darkfall, a former player with interest in the state of the game, or an onlooker curious about the game, today brings you good news. Today is the start of the Darkfall Ultimate Promotion, an event slated to run until the game gets its major version 2.0 upgrade. That means that new players can start off playing the game for just the price of a month's subscription and all players can enjoy the discounted subscription rate of $9.95. The promotion isn't limited to the subscription fees, however; the game has multiplied skill gains by 20 as previously reported. Global loot drops are quadrupled as well, giving players plenty of opportunities for major rewards. If you've got any interest in Darkfall, today is probably the day to go back or head in for the first time, as these benefits will fade as soon as the game launches its major reboot.

  • A Mild-Mannered Reporter: Places to go, questions to answer

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's hard to believe that in just two weeks, all of the debates about whether or not Going Rogue will revitalize City of Heroes will be out of the land of theory and into the realm of practice. And while we've still got another week in the land of theory, right now we're taking a trip... well, still into the land of theory, but into the land of theories you asked for. Which is different, in a way! I have a hard time writing these introductions. Haggs asked: "...now that you're getting new lower-level content, why would you want to go through it as fast as you're going through the old content?" It's not always a question of "want." Levels 1-20 in City of Heroes are not nearly as slow as the later levels -- they don't start to really feel long until you reach the 30s, but it's much faster to go from 1-20 than from 20-30 even if you're just playing casually. The flow of leveling appears to be tuned so that players will be able to hit a level of moderate competence fairly quickly, spend a bit of time fleshing out their powers, and then spend quite some time filing off any rough edges via the 40+ powers.

  • The Mog Log: The collective jealous community glance

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's a hard time to be playing Final Fantasy XI. On the one hand, it ought to be a great time -- a lot of neat features were included with the June version update (several of which I waxed poetic about in the recent developer tour), and there's quite a roadmap for the months ahead. But that roadmap also has an enormous bump that's shaped like a 14... specifically, Final Fantasy XIV. Or maybe it's just me. All I know is that the next thousand-plus hours can't pass quickly enough. (Although Going Rogue should really take the edge off.) But this column isn't just about me and my hangups -- it's about the community. It's especially about community this week, as we're taking a look at all of the insanity running through various discussions far and wide. Square certainly has given us plenty to talk about over the past month, whether you're avidly playing Final Fantasy XI or just looking forward to Final Fantasy XIV. So let's look at some noteworthy threads while I stare longingly at the promised game.