

  • Breakfast topic: Baleeted!

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    What's the highest level character you've ever deleted?I haven't deleted many characters at all-- when I first started playing I was on Cenarius, and I still have about nine alts all there just sitting around, never realizing that I probably won't be back. Now, I'm on Thunderhorn, and pretty much all the characters I've started I've kept. Oh, there's been a few level ones that I created for fun, and I believe I made it to level 12 or so with a dwarf Hunter before I realized I didn't ever want to play Alliance again, but I think that's it-- I just can't bring myself to throw away any characters I actually spent time on.But looking at the thread, I'm probably the exception. Lots of players toss their maxed-out characters all the time, either because they're frustrated with a class change, need extra room, or are just leaving the game for good.So what's the highest character you've deleted and why?

  • First 60 Draenei Shaman, Blood Elf Paladins seen ingame

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Curse Gaming is reporting that Slops of Disposable Heroes on Aggramar-A has hit 60 with an Alliance Shaman. As far as they know (and I know), that's not only the first 60 Draenei seen in the game, it's also the first 60 Alliance Shammy in the game (see Update). Congrats! Now you'll know, Alliance, just how useful we Shammies are (yep, I play an Orc resto Shammy as my main).Slops did it with an amazing time of 3 days and 9 hours, which is doubly amazing, because as far as I know, the fastest time to 60 for any class I know of was just over 4 days (that was a few patches ago, though, and Shaman do rock). If someone hasn't already hit 60 (or even 70) with a Blood Elf Paladin yet, we'll probably see it here in a few days. In fact, if you know of one, drop us a note in the comments or over at "Contact Us" in the sidebar.Meanwhile, congrats to Slops for being one of the first Shaman to benefit from the crack cocaine that is a Pally's Judgement of Wisdom-- I won't lie, we spend mana like it's going out of style, and we can't wait to get a refill. Sure, I might not like them much, but I can't wait to share spells with the enemy in raids.Update: Well that didn't take long-- commenter Stephen says Yoshie of Relentless on Maelstrom EU hit 60 on Tuesday afternoon. Technically we don't know when Slops hit, but there's also been reports of a 60 Blood Elf Paladin sighting as well. There's no question Slops' time was fast, but unless Blizzard wants to let us know for sure, we might never know exactly who the first endgame Alliance Shaman was.

  • Rested XP will restart for 60s in BC

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Neth's dropped the lowdown on rested XP in the expansion. In short, for level 60 characters, it's going to reset, and then restart. In a little longer, she says that you can't earn rested XP at 60 right now in preparation for the expansion. After you install Burning Crusade, your level 60 characters will not have any rested XP at all. But they will start earning rested XP as normal as you go on your way to 70. So if you want to be really crafty, even if you're planning to sit out the expansion insanity, you might drop the expansion on your computer, and then make sure your level 60's are in an inn while you stay logged out for a few days. That way, not only will the servers be back to normal when you get back, but your toons will be ready to go, too.As for lower level characters, I'd imagine that rested XP will work the same whether you have the expansion installed or not-- if they have rested XP saved up before you put the discs in, they'll have it afterwards, too.

  • Breakfast Topic: Embarrassingly Old Gear

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    Dave wrote in suggesting this topic, and, so, let's have it! What one (or two, or three...) piece of gear have you had for the longest time, but not been able to replace? Did your warlock hit level 60 wearing those same enchanted gold bloodrobes? I know my warlock was using a hypnotic blade well into level 60 - and before you say anything, I must point out that there were, at the time, a lack of one-handed caster weapons of quality. So, do you have any gear on you that you're embarrassed to be seen with, but can't find a replacement for?

  • Essential Addons for the Discerning Level 60

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Seeing as my Shaman (Shamanic on Thunderhorn, by the way, in case you want to say hi) is finally about to hit 60 and start raiding, I figured that now might be a good time to sit down and update and refresh my UI addons, something I haven't done for a patch or two now. So I monitored my play habits for a little while, checked in with guildies for their recommendations, and in the end, these are the five addons I decided were necessary to put in my /Interface folder. -Titan Panel: If I was only going to put one addon in, this would be the one I use. Titan creates an extra bar at the top or bottom of your screen (on my setup, I actually have it in both places) that tracks all kinds of things for you: time played, XP/hour, Durability, stat buffs, FPS, game memory usage-- pretty much everything about your WoW experience you'd ever want to know (it also will tell you the coordinates of your position in the game-- extremely useful for getting around Azeroth). Titan, like the famous CTmod (which I tried but didn't like as much), is so complex there's even addons for the addon. If you've never tried a meta-addon like Titan, definitely give it a try. Four more after the jump...

  • "Welcome to the endgame... noob."

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    Overheard in Orgrimmar: "Welcome to the endgame, noob."Not the warmest welcome a new level 60 might get, but perhaps an appropriate one. Upon hitting 60 (or perhaps even 55+), and encountering endgame content, one is in an interesting position. The content is new, but so many players are familiar with it that there's often little tolerance for those who are learning. This seems to be a particular problem within the PuGs I've encountered. Usually, the players within them assume you've done everything to death before -- that you understand the abbreviations and common tactics. This isn't always the case; from battlegrounds to instances, everyone's new at some point. If grouped with someone who doesn't know what they're doing, here's a plea on behalf of the anonymous noob: bear in mind it might be their first time.

  • The joys of cat shopping

    Jennie Lees
    Jennie Lees

    When I first hit level 60, I was poor. Training up a multitude of new skills and working on my equipment left me living life with nary a gold coin in my pocket for weeks, but like many other level 60s, I decided I wanted an epic mount. Although I'm still saving runecloth for a cross-racial mount, for now I've gone the traditional route and upgraded to the next brand of saber, as I'm a night elf.Getting the epic mount has been the culmination of weeks of half-formed ambition and several days of single-minded determination. Grinding and farming with the sole purpose of cash (although I tried to get reputation along the way) has almost burnt me out on solo play, especially on the night elf in question. However, when I rush across the landscape faster than ever before, running and jumping from the sheer joy of a speed increase, it all seems worth it.

  • Actress talks to gamer about WoW dedication

    Dan Choi
    Dan Choi

    The guys at LiquidGeneration went a step beyond stalking an actress and actually scored an interview with the WoW-playing USPS ad girl.Felicia Day is best known in TV circles as the potential slayer "Vi" during the final season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, but she also found a bit of notoriety as "Angie," the USPS-usin' woman for a Postal Service ad campaign. All we're interested in, of course, is her love of Ultima VII, Link (over Mario and Undead Warlocks), and 5 man Strat runs for her Level 60 Gnome Warlock.Maybe it's not the greatest revelation since Dave Chappelle showed some knowledge of the MMO, but many male gamers still manage to find a way of expressing shock that a beautiful woman (especially one who's found a measure of success in Hollywood) enjoys an online raid or two. We're just glad that an actress is willing to be upfront about her love of games--even she sometimes uses it to avoid talking about bad auditions.[Thanks, James]

  • The Epic Grind

    Elizabeth Harper
    Elizabeth Harper

    So, you've finally gotten to level 60.  Now what?  Well, there are some resources to guide you along, but whatever your direction, be prepared for a grind.  Rewards for gaining reputation with the game's factions can be high, but the process for getting them tends to involve the tedium of killing the same monsters or doing the same repeatable quest for days or weeks on end.  Collecting a new piece of powerful gear is always a thrill, but you may find yourself running through Upper Blackrock Spire a hundred times without winning a roll on the item you seek.  Even if you're in an end-game raiding guild, the game can be a grind - running through Molten Core again and again for the low chance of a specific item drop.  And I can certainly say that after defeating Ragnaros a few dozen times it becomes less of an epic struggle and more of an issue of "Drop my Choker of the Fire Lord already!"  Have you reached the point where the game is nothing but a grind yet, or do you still feel the magic?