

  • Texas schools receive funding for two Wii-based initiatives

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Two Wii-based educational projects have received grants in the small east Texas town of Lindale. The Lindale Independent School District Education Foundation has awarded $1,021.40 to Early Childhood Center teachers Cookie Hartley and June Wright, whose "Wii Can Do It!" project aims to use Wii games to teach as "therapy and instructional tools" to "accelerate learning" for preschoolers with disabilities, and Lindale Primary School's Cynthia Peters and Bobbie Williams for "Wii Fit, Wii Moving, and Wii Happy," a more general program about using the Wii to introduce students to technology and build teamwork skills. The Fund consists of donations from local citizens and businesses. These two grants are part of a total of $13,802.36 awarded in the district, all handed to teachers with surprise novelty checks, Publishers Clearinghouse-style. The only downside is that Wii systems are going to be a bit harder to find in Lindale this week for everyone else. [Via GamePolitics]