

  • Activision Blizzard locks down senior management with long-term deals

    Chris Chester
    Chris Chester

    In sports, it's fairly common practice for successful teams to sign their top talent to long-term contract extensions--both to shore up a sense of security for the owners over the long term, but also to demonstrate in straight forward monetary terms how much they mean to the team. This is not quite unlike what has happened over at Activision-Blizzard, where the senior talent at Blizzard has signed five-year contracts with the company to reaffirm their commitment to the team. It's not immediately clear how many people this is meant to include.Activision-Blizzard also reportedly offered similar deals to blockbuster developers Infinity Ward and Neversoft, who are responsible for the other big money-making franchises in the ActiBlizz portfolio. When you consider the speculation from the other day that developers might be gaining greater control of their projects and the news that EA Mythic is getting their Mythic Entertainment moniker back, it seems likes its a good time to be a proven developer. They suddenly have leverage they could only grumble for over the past few years.