

  • The Daily Quest: Patch 3.2, Ulduar, and newbies

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    We here at WoW.com are on a Daily Quest to bring you interesting, informative and entertaining WoW-related links from around the blogosphere. Cold Comfort takes a look at how the upcoming Patch 3.2 might change how your guild does things. Lowered Expectations took the new 5-man dungeon, Trial of the Champion, for a spin. If you use Binklestein Blinkenstein Bigglesworth Binkenstein's guild Jewelcrafting organization spreadsheet, good news! It's been updated for patch 3.2. Are you a freshly 80 Protection Paladin? If so, Vladeon has what you need to start your tanking career. Mirror Shield gives a quick and dirty rundown to Orbit-uary. Click here to submit a link to TDQ

  • Lowered Expectations sits down with Ghostcrawler

    Adam Holisky
    Adam Holisky

    There are two great articles over at the Lowered Expectations blog about him meeting Ghostcrawler during an event at his university. The posts are quite an interesting read and I highly recommend everyone heads over and checks them out.There's some interesting tidbits that came out of his time with the Ghost: Sindragosa will be playing a part in Patch 3.3 We shouldn't expect a hero class in every expansion Ghostcrawler was split down the middle on the Death Knight starting at level 55 Blizzard is interested in buffing up the old world levels to make them more interesting. He listed off (the top of his head): Darkshore, Stonetalon Mountains, and The Barrens. Ghostcrawler is responsible for the many varieties of fish in the game. This makes sense. Expect an expansion every 18 to 24 months Again, I highly recommend you head over to Lowered Expectations and check it the full articles. They're well written and quite informative.