macbook wheel


  • The Onion creates MacBook Wheel parody

    Dave Caolo
    Dave Caolo

    There's a great history of Apple parodies in pop culture, and the latest one from The Onion is particularly funny. The fictional "MacBook Wheel" replaces the traditional keyboard with a large, touch-sensitive scroll wheel. As the Apple representative demonstrates, typing "...couldn't be simpler." Just use the wheel to scroll from letter to letter via an on-screen keyboard, pressing the center button to make a selection. Easy, right?You've got to admire the effort that the folks at The Onion put into this, including the posters and set at the Apple "booth," the employee's uniform and the sweet video of the Wheel in action. They've also nailed Apple's typical release schedule, saying that "...The MacBook Wheel won't hit the shelves for another three to fifteen months." Good job, Onion! We noted the vid on Twitter last night but thought you all deserved a look.Click below to watch the video.

  • MacBook Wheel revealed by the Onion News Network

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    I never really realized how nuch I hated keybroads untill I saw this thing. Sent from my MacBook Wheel [Thanks to everyone who sent this in]