

  • The Drama Mamas guide to finding gaming buddies

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    A gaming buddy isn't quite the same thing as a guildmate. A gaming buddy is quite often also a guildie, but your guildmates aren't necessarily your gaming buddies. Your gaming buddies are people who play with you more often than not. They're your partners in crime, the homies you hang out with in Azeroth whether they're covering your back through your first LFR or filling your chat box during a night of pre-alchemy herbalizing. But just as when you were trying to break into the social scene during your school days, you might feel a bit of an outsider when it comes to connecting with simpatico players in WoW. For many players, there's only so long you can happily play on your own; Azeroth is a large, lonely land when you wish you had someone to share it with. While joining a friendly guild can often be a great way to meet people, simply coexisting in an online space with a common chat channel somewhere on your screen won't build the kind of friendships you're hungry for. Let the Drama Mamas show you a few tricks of the trade for finding players you might click with on a more personal basis.

  • Exclusive: Referee Ruby makes friends in Free Realms

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Not everyone can be Referee Ruby, but everyone can make friends in Free Realms, or so says today's exclusive video from Sony Online Entertainment. Ruby is back with tips on how players young and old can win friends and influence people in the free-to-play MMO. Mind your manners and don't be a jerk, she says (a simple lesson ignored by too many gamers), but above all else, get a boombox with the hottest tunes, trick out an awesome house for entertaining, and throw a party -- because everyone loves a party. Naturally, the very best party supplies and structures are purchased in the Free Realms cash shop, and Ruby shows viewers how it's done. Hey, no one said friendship was cheap! Grab your favorite boombox and hit the break to see Free Realms' Making Friends video in full.

  • WoW Rookie: 10 ways to meet other new players

    Lisa Poisso
    Lisa Poisso

    New around here? WoW Rookie points WoW's newest players to the basics of a good start in the World of Warcraft. See all our collected tips, tricks and how-to's at's WoW Rookie Guide. Come out, come out, wherever you are ... We know you're out there leveling! The dungeon finder feature isn't the only way to meet new and leveling players – in fact, it's one of the worst, since you'll only occasionally be paired off with another player from your home realm. Today's WoW makes it possible to scuttle from the auction house to the dungeon finder without forming any lasting relationships to speak of at all. Here at WoW Rookie, we're all about enjoying the journey, rather than racing for the finish line. Let's go over the best ways, then, to join up with folks you can adventure with along the way. In ascending order: 10. Hit the dungeon finder. We know, we just said the dungeon finder is not a great way to make friends. It's not. That said, we've heard more than one tale of players who transferred realms to play with friends they met through the dungeon finder. You're more likely to find a compatible group for the length of a single evening than a permanent partnership that persists over the levels -- but hey, it could happen.