

  • Harvest Rune Factory 4 in Europe, Australia next week

    Thomas Schulenberg
    Thomas Schulenberg

    Dedicated Rune Factory 4 fans living in Europe and Australia, your patience will soon be rewarded: XSEED and Marvelous Europe will release the 3DS JRPG in both territories on December 11 for £24.99 (€29.99 or $49.95 AUD), according to a related press release. Rune Factory 4 was released in North America on October 1, 2013, but Marvelous Europe eventually called off its regional release, explaining that it was "not possible to do" at that time. The cancellation followed RF4 developer Neverland's filing for bankruptcy and closure within two months of the game's US release. Hope for a European release was revived in October 2014 however, when Vice President of XSEED Ken Berry confirmed the publisher's work to secure a European launch for RF4. To those that have waited this long for RF4: Enjoy the feast. [Image: XSEED]