

  • WildStar reveals big lore drops on the Aurin and the Mechari

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    It's time to learn everything about the WildStar races that you were afraid to ask. Or, more likely, that you did ask. There's a lot of lore in the game, but it's possible to miss some pieces of important information, and players always have lore questions no matter what happens. So the team at Carbine Studios asked for player questions, and creative director Chad Moore has posted the first set of answers in the form of pages for the Aurin and the Mechari. Both pages contain an overview of the racial histories, culture, social structures, relations with other races, lifespans... everything you could want to know at a glance regarding the operations of these species. Veteran players will find some elements of this unsurprising, but there's more to learn and some longstanding theories confirmed (like the functional immortality of the Mechari or the Aurin preference for analogies). Take a look at both pages for more information.

  • The Nexus Telegraph: Examining the Mechari of WildStar

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Who's afraid of the big bad Mechari? As it turns out, a lot of people. Possibly for good reason. Of all the races in WildStar, the Mechari represent the biggest question mark. Part of that is by design; when you have a race of sapient machines controlling the information flow of an entire empire, you aren't supposed to know everything there is to be known about them. But there are a lot of questions that pose themselves based on what we do know. Starting with the fact that they don't exactly make sense. I've touched on this briefly before, but the fact is that the stated purpose of the Mechari is at odds with what we know of their creation and behavior. They're intelligence gatherers that don't actually have obvious tools for that role. They're left in the dark in ways that don't make sense, and they are altogether a race of contradictions if you accept everything at face value.

  • Massively Exclusive: A closer look at WildStar's Mechari

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    The Mechari want information. They want to protect the Dominion. They want to ensure that the center of the empire remains whole and unmolested. In WildStar, they serve as the omnipresent arm of the Dominion, the inscrutable Eldan-built enforcers of the government's will. And since they're cool-looking robots, they're naturally the sort of race that pretty much everyone will have plenty of questions about beyond what was revealed in the recent post giving players a chance to meet them. We had a chance to speak with lead narrative designer Chad Moore regarding all three of the Dominion races announced thus far, and the Mechari are the last on deck. This does not mean that they're the least interesting, as you probably guessed. So if you're interested in playing the role of a robot living in an organic world, it would behoove you to find out a few more tidbits about them. And the bright side is that you don't have to ask the Mechari any questions. They like to be the ones asking the questions, after all.

  • Everyone's a potential traitor... even you: WildStar's Dominion faction

    Bree Royce
    Bree Royce

    Last week, we revealed WildStar's Exile faction -- a Firefly-esque group of rebels, pirates, and vagabonds. Today, we're finally able to put our eyeballs on the game's Dominion faction, including three of its four races, plus a newly unveiled class, the Stalker. My instinct was to assume that the Dominion faction was meant to be a parallel to Firefly's Alliance -- space cowboys versus authoritarian aristocrats. But having explored them in more detail, I saw a lot more of Star Wars and Allods Online than I expected, and that's brilliant. Allods also has two factions, the "evil" one of which is a unique blend of Imperial Russian industrial dieselpunk and high-society technocracy. Blend that with Human High Culture propaganda from the Star Wars Extended Universe and maybe a dash of Brazil's dystopian humor and you've got WildStar's Dominion. But don't take just my word for it. Let's have a look at the videos!