meraki mini router


  • Meraki price hikes leave some customers disillusioned

    It looks like Meraki's latest move may be having a few repercussions the company hadn't foreseen, with GigaOm now reporting that a number of customers are feeling irked that some folks will now have to pay a premium price for the once bargain-priced mesh networking gear. At the heart of the brouhaha in the making is a new tiered pricing structure that breaks customers down into Standard, Pro, and Carrier groups. While individuals will pay the same $50 per router they always paid, those in the Pro group (which includes property owners and hot spot operators) will now have to fork over a full $150. As GigaOM points out, that has left some users of Meraki's forums feeling more than a little dejected, with one going so far as to say that he was "drawn in by a cost effective method just to be slapped in the face by an uncaring company that used us as pawns." What's more, while those in the lower tier will still be able to get their routers on the cheap, they will have to put up with advertising on the landing pages for their networks. On the upside, the company does apparently have plans to share advertising revenue with network operators, although details on that seem to be light at the moment.

    Donald Melanson