

  • MetaFacts report finds that AAPL popular with the AARP crowd

    Laurie A. Duncan
    Laurie A. Duncan

    According to MetaFacts 2006 Home PC Brand Profile Report, 46% of Apple's base is over the age of 55, compared with 25.2% of other platforms. The Home PC Brand Profile Report is "one of a series of summary reports on specific topics based on the results of MetaFacts' 2006 Technology User Profile (TUP) study, which reveal the changing patterns of technology adoption and use in American households and businesses."Dan Ness of MetaFacts says "Apple can claim long-time loyalists, but its future among the young technoliterati is an interesting dynamic, with a higher-than-average share of US home's primary PC users falling into this age group."I say "With age, comes wisdom."Other interesting tidbits in the report include the fact that Apple users are buying more portables than desktops, even as their primary home computer, which isn't as surprising as it used to be. Why tether yourself to a desk when the couch is so much more comfy?All you have to do now is teach Grandma that the Internet and the application used to browse the Internet are not one and the same and you'll both be set.