

  • Sony to offer 'full support' for DJ Max Fever

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    The odds of DJ Max Fever becoming a runaway success are slim. In spite of an obvious uphill battle, Michael Yum and the rest of the PM Studios gang are trying their best to get the Korean music game to the hardcore masses of PSP owners. The upcoming US version of the notoriously difficult music game won't get a gimped localized soundtrack, which will certain lessen its mainstream appeal. "We pretty much knew we were going exclusively for the hardcore gamers," Yum told The Escapist.However, Yum notes that their best bet comes with the hardcore market. "In the US, active PSP owners are the hardcore gamers. There aren't many casual-oriented PSP titles, you know? We didn't think we were going to attract the casual audiences the first time anyway."Thankfully, there's some hope for DJ Max Fever, as Sony has offered the team their "full support" in promoting the game. "Just earlier this week, Sony offered us full support for the title. They want to push specific games that they see as key titles ... They also want to put our game on the billboards and in the commercials, so yeah, hopefully you'll be seeing a lot more of DJ Max Fever with Sony backing it up." While PSP Fanboy readers are most likely familiar with the game, Yum and the rest of the DJ Max team will need all the help they can get -- Sony's vote of confidence doesn't guarantee them success, but it certainly evens the odds just a litlte bit.