

  • 1080p carbon nanotube-based LCoS microdisplay

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Syscan Imaging has announced the first product from the nanotechnology company they acquired last fall. The 0.7-inch microdisplay claims to deliver 1920x1080 images at a lower cost than competing technologies. They also hope to overcome some of the problems that have hamstrung LCoS technology so far by increasing yields and having a lower operating temperature. Finally, its designers are optimistic they'll be able to reach even higher resolutions in the future. Looks like D-ILA and SXRD may have some competition, although HDTVs based on the technology are not expected to hit until 2007.

  • DLPs and LCDs pricy little bulbs

    Matt Burns
    Matt Burns

    OK microdisplay owners. Talk to us. DLPs and LCDs are popular types of HDTVs. They offer a great size to price ratio and the picture on them is great. But they have those little bulbs. MSNBC ran a story way back in the middle of April that is still floating around and we want to know your take on it. Basically, they are recommending the DLP because the owner will not have to replace the bulb for a few years to come. We here at HD Beat have heard of multiple bulb replacements per year in some cases.How long has your bulb lasted in your LCD/DLP? We need to know how long you watch the HDTV each day though in order to fully understand where you are coming from. Talk to us folks.