minimal studios


  • Minimal Studios iPod nano watch kits raise a million dollars on Kickstarter, yes, a million dollars

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Well that didn't take long. Less than a month after we reported on the TikTok and LunaTik concept iPod nano watches hitting Kickstarter the company behind them, Minimal Studios, has met its goal -- and then some. Way then some. The project has clocked in nearly $1,000,000 in funding, helped in large part by a $25 pledge getting you first in line for a $35 MSRP TikTok watch kit, while $50 scored you the metallic LunaTik, which will go for $70. If you missed your chance to pile on the money you can now pre-order officially, with an expected shipment date in January. Again we're not particularly keen on the whole nano as a watch thing, but obviously ya'll have your own ideas, and we say more power to you -- and to Minimal Studios founder Scott Wilson.