mixed media


  • POV Spark

    PBS interactive media series aims to make AR and VR more accessible

    Christine Fisher
    Christine Fisher

    One issue with interactive technology like virtual reality, augmented reality and other mixed media is that the cost of the equipment alone can be restrictive. To level the playing field, PBS is launching POV Spark, a series of media projects that will be accessible to wider audiences, not just those who have access to expensive headsets and exclusive events. POV Spark will launch with three interactive productions and two initiatives meant to foster future mixed-media storytelling.

  • Cinemassively: GTTV covers State of Missouri recruiting in Second Life

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    Government Technology TV has posted a video covering the State of Missouri's presence in Second Life. Missouri is using SL as a means to recruit people for their IT department. In the video, Dan Ross, the Chief Information Officer for the state, discusses what their in-world presence means to them. I'd have to say that my favorite part of the video is when they superimposed his talking head onto an avatar.With an estimated 60% of their staff eligible for retirement in the next 10 years, Missouri is eager to fill those spots. They will be holding a career fair within the next month, so polish up those resumes! One of the more puzzling parts of the video is where they said their SL plot cost them only $4 USD to establish their presence. I'd like to know who they bought from, because that is an excellent deal!