

  • Nissan's Forest AC air conditioner will megadose on Vitamin C, moisturize your skin

    Sean Hollister
    Sean Hollister

    Believe it or not, grapeseed polyphenol filters and plasmacluster ions aren't just off-the-shelf snake oil plug-ins for your auto's 12V socket -- they're par for the course in Nissan's Fuga hybrid. So when the Japanese automaker says its future cars will pump Vitamin C into the air to help hydrate human flesh, well -- we take the company at its word. Also on the docket: chairs with seat warmers and folding leg rests, and speedometers that will happily remind you of your impending wedding anniversary as you barrel down the highway. "We want drivers to feel that they are healthier staying in the car instead of on the outside," a Nissan engineer told AFP. We think that says it all, folks.

  • Panasonic Nanocare administers ionic moisture, placebo effect

    Vlad Savov
    Vlad Savov

    The very fact there is a Nanocare range of skin moisturizing gadgets is pretty impressive -- the suits at Panasonic must feel pretty clever trying to sell people on the idea that they need a device capable of generating an "ultra fine nano-particle ion steam," which apparently boils down to mist with a high water content. There's "empirical data" to back this up, but those numbers don't seem to mean much since the EH-SA42 model doesn't even need water to do its magic. You figure that one out. Japan gets these in November, and distribution will probably be limited to the far (out) East.[Via Slashgear]