

  • LED pranksters remember the Aqua Teen Hunger Force "bomb" scare

    Joshua Topolsky
    Joshua Topolsky

    In an expression of remembrance for a historical moment in hair-trigger overreactions, artists all over the Boston area have taken to the streets armed with provocative LED signage. Paying homage to the "bomb" scare of January 31st, 2007 (which was actually just viral promotion for the Aqua Teen Hunger Force movie using LED art), creative pranksters have descended upon the city with electronic recreations of President Bush, Osama Bin Laden, and a number of other inflammatory images sure to rile the local authorities but-good. Truck on over to MAKE to see a collection of images, and if you happen to be in the Boston area, don't miss a chance to snap some photos of your own!

  • for all your, uh, hoax devices

    Peter Rojas
    Peter Rojas

    It's getting a little crazy out there these days, so it's good thing we have to help us keep track of all those rogue gadgets which may or may not be bringing a major US city to its knees sometime soon. Highlights in their catalogue include those remarkably effective Mooninites (fresh off of a recent triumph in Boston), the Banana Phone ("beneath it's harmless exterior lies something far more Evil. Yes, with a capital 'E.'"), the Robot Assassin ("Once near its target it will engage its Nuclearator"), and the Proton Distortion Device ("Oh sure, I know what you're thinking- it *looks* like an ordinary stack of blank CDs"). Hold on, they're not taking orders for this stuff?