

  • How to stay healthy while leveling

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    What are you going to do first when you start playing Mists of Pandaria? If the answer is leveling to 90, you're in for a lot of potentially unhealthy sitting/munching/caffeine-ing. But you don't have to make Rockstar pyramids or worry about Cheetos stains on the keyboard while spreading in your chair, getting repetitive motion injuries, and otherwise straining your body just to get those levels in. Here are some tips for staying (mostly) healthy while progressing through Pandaria. Get healthy snacks Snacking, or grazing as my doctor calls it, is actually good for you when small and well-spaced throughout the gaming session. Healthy snacks are best of course, but if you must have your favorite munchies, having them in small doses is better than constant gorging. Willing to substitute for yummy but healthy? Try these. Nuts Barring allergies, nuts of all kinds are a healthy snack. Protein, good carbs, iron -- they are full of good nutrients. Nuts will even help balance things out if you choose to imbibe the sugary drinks. Crackers If you're into crackers, get the whole grain/low carb ones. I like Akmaks. Thin slices of cheese as toppings are good, but nut butters are even better.

  • How can you prepare for tonight's launch?

    Olivia Grace
    Olivia Grace

    It's almost here! As your spy across the pond, I'll be keeping you up to date with how the launch rolls out, so that you can know what to expect when it launches in your timezone. You do, of course, need to know what time it's all going down, so you're not sitting staring at your character creation screen for hours on end, cursing the absence of a monk button. North and Latin American realms - 12:00 a.m. PDT, September 25 European realms - 12:00 a.m. CEST, September 25 Korean/Taiwan realms - 12:00 a.m. KST, September 27 But what can you be doing right now to get ready for Mists' launch? Addons Over at Addon Spotlight, we've been working hard to keep you abreast of addon updating and strategizing going into Mists. A lot of the same advice provided for 5.0.4 bears repeating for Mists, and you can check out how to get your addons ready for Mists. Mists is going to be a really interesting launch as far as your UI goes, given that there's no server shutdown and no logging on or off. Either it's all going to go beautifully, or it's all going to go horribly wrong! Make sure you have a UI setup with no addons that is playable on whatever character you're starting with.