

  • The Nexus Telegraph: Examining the Mordesh of WildStar

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    No single race in WildStar has less to lose than the Mordesh. And no one has more to lose, at that. The simplest way of explaining the Mordesh is that they are the dirty little secret of the Exiles as a whole. They're the assassins, the pressure, the people who don't worry about doing something awful when it absolutely needs to be done. For all that the Exiles want to think of themselves as the good guys unfairly set upon by the Dominion, the Mordesh are the subtle reminder that there are no good guys -- there are just people. But that's not the whole of it. Unlike when I discussed the Granok, the Mordesh aren't just in this to bloody the Dominion's nose as much as possible. No, they've got all of their chips in this part of the game. And to understand why, we're going to need to zoom out a little bit and take a look at what got the Mordesh to their current position first.

  • The Nexus Telegraph: Now that the Dominion has your attention...

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    So let's unpack the Dominion a little, shall we? Because we've just met them. When WildStar first announced the existence of the Dominion in a roundabout fashion, I honestly didn't expect they would be playable. As I've seen more and more hints about them, I've grown progressively more interested in their outlook. Here we have a faction that has done unquestionably awful things and is completely evil as far as one faction is concerned... but what do they think of themselves? What is the Dominion like on the inside? As it turns out, WildStar has hit exactly the notes I was hoping for. The Dominion doesn't come across as being terribly pleasant at first glance, but the sheer amount of character in the factional intro video makes it clear that they could not care less about how they come across to you. They are refined, they are elegant, and at the end of the day, they represent everything the Exiles are fighting against. So let's talk Dominion.