

  • The Queue: We killed Malygos edition

    Mathew McCurley
    Mathew McCurley

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW Insider's daily Q&A column in which the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft. Mathew McCurley will be your host today. Hello there, friends. Mathew here, filling in for another exciting episode of The Queue. Did you know that we totally killed Malygos? He's dead. First, we punched Sapphiron in the face for a key to the Eye of Eternity. Then, we marched over to Coldarra and made our way up the spire. After that, Malygos attacked while my buddies and I stood around in zappy pools of power and blasted the aspect of magic. After some disc surfing and cowering under magic domes, Malygos redecorated the floor and, with the help of annoyingly hard-to-control red drakes and a bunch of idiots who can't press 1-1-1-3-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-3 and maybe the shield button, Malygos died. Dead. Forever? Who knows? Right now, though, Malygos is dead. Questions? loreaddict asked: Malygos is dead for real?