Motorola Solutions Inc


  • Motorola Solutions reports Q1 2012 sales of $2 billion, expects jump in Q2

    Sarah Silbert
    Sarah Silbert

    Motorola Solutions (MSI) -- the less familiar Motorola that makes radios, barcode scanners and such for government and enterprise sectors -- just posted sales of $2 billion for the first quarter of 2012. This is a seven percent boost over Moto's results from the same period last year, and that growth reflects an 11 percent jump in government sales. It wasn't all rosy for Motorola this quarter, though: Profit was down two-thirds to $157 million, and sales to large businesses slipped two percent. MSI (not that MSI) expects second-quarter sales to grow six percent compared to last year's earnings, so it doesn't look like government clients will be dropping those wearable displays any time soon.

  • Motorola split official tomorrow, we hope you like red

    Ross Miller
    Ross Miller

    Here we go. Perfectly timed with this week's festivities, Motorola's split, wherein one become two (a "reverse Spice Girls," if you will) is crossing the final t's and dotting the remaining i's. The Wall Street Journal is reporting that by Tuesday, the Motorola stock ticker (MOT) will stop trading, being replaced instead by Motorola Mobility Holdings Inc. (MMI) and Motorola Solutions Inc. (MSI, no relation). The latter will focus on public-safety radios and handheld scanners while the former, with a bright new logo, will be the smartphone / set-top box-focused company that for all intents and purposes we mean when we simply write "Motorola" from here on out. It just rolls off the tongue better.