Hasbro Family Game Night 3 coming this fall with five more board games
Once again, it's time for us to play a quick round of "One of These Things is Not Like the Others!" Our contestants are the five titles that will be added to your ever-burgeoning collection of digital board games this fall, with the release of Hasbro Family Game Night 3 for Wii, 360 and PS3. Okay, here goes: The Game of Life, Clue, Mouse Trap, Yahtzee Hands Down and ... Twister. We'll give you a second to think. Here's a hint: We separated the weird one from the other ones using an ellipsis. Twister? We can logistically see how the other four games could be adapted into a video game format, but ... Twister? Will Hasbro Family Game Night 3 come bundled with a polka-dotted floor mat peripheral? Regardless, we'll have to find out when Game Night 3 releases this fall, as the games will come bundled in a single retail package this time around, and, well -- we just have to get our hands on a video game version of Mouse Trap.
Griffin McElroy05.12.2010Jake Easton's Better Mousetrap leaves no country for old mice (video)
If Cormac McCarthy was an inventor of gadgets instead of words then this better (measured in awesome) mousetrap might have been the result. Instead, honors go to Jack Easton, a man known to kill ordinary mice using compressed air. No, really. The device above feature a pneumatic cylinder that brings down the death hammer with a strike force of 102 pounds after it senses a nearby pest. Poor fake mouse: delivered a fortune that was not his own. See all the fun after the break.
Thomas Ricker12.15.2009Victor Multi-Kill trap electrocutes mice, hates liberals
Daaaamn... this Victor Multi-Kill Electronic Mouse Trap is serious business. Normally we prefer more humane, wired domes to cage our furry house guests as they grab for the rich dark-chocolate morsels that tempt the palate of elite city-mice. We then release them into wee puddle-boats with tiny parasols to enjoy a feast of truffles glazed in a bit of saffron sauce. But all the gadgety goodness of this Multi-Kill trap makes us want to electrocute our pests into smoldering puffs of lifeless mouse just as Victor promises. The high-voltage shock is said to kill the mouse in 3 seconds followed by a swivel of the "Shock N' Drop" chamber to dump up to 10 carcasses into the collection drawer. "Population annihilation in just one night -- 100% kill rate guaranteed." Oh boy. Video after the break.
Thomas Ricker11.03.2008Belkin's washable mouse and Mouse Trap
In the fight against dirty mice, one can never be too vigilant -- as anyone who has ever spent time carefully cleaning and drying their beloved input device will tell you -- but now there is an easier way. Like the IOGEAR anti-germ mouse we told you about, Belkin is getting into the cleanliness game with its washable mouse, a water-resistant, USB device that you can unplug and wash in your sink (or anywhere else you've got water), which should come as welcome relief to neat freaks everywhere. Of course, once you've got that thing cleaned up, you'll need something to carry it around in, so Belkin made the Mouse Trap, a mouse pad which zips up, allowing you to take your squeaky-clean peripherals on business trips. The washable mouse hits the streets in August, while the Mouse Trap is available now.Read -- Belkin washable mouseRead -- Belkin Mouse Trap
Joshua Topolsky06.27.2007