

  • Movellas releases fan fiction contest winners

    Daniel Whitcomb
    Daniel Whitcomb

    As you may recall, we posted about a World of Warcraft fan fiction contest being held by the online writing community Movellas a few weeks back. That contest has now ended, and Movellas has posted the winners. Winners include more than a few stories about the blood elves and high elves and a check-in with everyone's favorite adorable draenei, Dornaa. With the status of the Blizzard Global Writing Contest up in the air, this seems to be a pretty decent way for people to get their Warcraft fan fiction fix instead. Congratulations to all the winners. You can read all the winning entries over at the Movellas website.

  • WoW fan fiction contest at Movellas

    Robin Torres
    Robin Torres

    Online writing community Movellas is holding a World of Warcraft fan fiction contest. Movellas is accepting stories on a wide variety of WoW-related topics such as Thrall, your character, Thrall meeting your character, and so on. The prize list for first through eighth place includes many items from Steelseries as well as some loot codes. The people at Movellas will not be reading every entry. Instead, the stories go up on the site for the readers to vote on, and then the winners will be chosen from the most popular submissions. If you want to enter, you only have until this Friday, July 6. Write quickly, as stories are already being evaluated by the readers. If you are looking to enter the contest or just want to read some fan fiction, head over to Movellas for the full details and entries.