

  • WoW Moviewatch: A commercial parody sequel

    Moo Money
    Moo Money

    A few days ago, we covered a parody of the celebrity World of Warcraft commercials appearing on a television near you. What does John have, in this third and final spoof in a series, that William Shatner, Mr. T, Willy Toledo, and Jean Claude van Damme don't? A sexy blood elf paladin.John faces many obstacles in his gaming, from being an evil Horde in the "flamboyant" Silver Moon City, to playing a female character because he can't get close to real girls. If you're looking for an Alliance parody, check out the second video from Iceflow Studios, about Brad, the Human Rogue. He definitely saved the best for last, though.Previously on Moviewatch...

  • WoW Moviewatch: A commercial parody

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    In the style of the recent wave of celebrity-lead commercials enticing the masses to purchase World of Warcraft, a nifty little parody has sprung up. With a thumbs up from Nethaera on the forums, it's a quick and entertaining video for those who have been keeping up with its official counterparts. If you haven't, we've got you covered: The ads that started the craze, one featuring William Shatner, and another with Mr. T. "I am a Paladin" with Spanish actor Willy Toledo. The mage that is Jean-Claude Van Damme. While we're on the subject, what do you think of the commercials? Personally, I am enjoying seeing elements of my WoW-playing creeping into my television-viewing. It somehow seems so odd and therefore mildly thrilling to be confronted with a night elf while channel flipping. Now, all we need is an alliance parody and we'd be set!