

  • European Nintendo downloads: Castlevania: Rondo of Blood, Muscle March ... Flashlight

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    All right, we didn't think there would be anything that could distract us from the release of Castlevania: Rondo of Blood -- but here we are, on the day of its European release, with pretty much all our focus elsewhere. And no, the object of our gaze isn't Muscle March, as amusing as that is. It's ... Flashlight for DSiWare. It's ... a flashlight. You pay 200 DSi Points for something that displays a solid color on your screens. We kind of knew it would arrive someday, since there are a million of these on the iPhone, but still. A flashlight. Castlevania: Rondo of Blood (Turbografx CD-ROM, 1 player, 900 Wii Points) Milon's Secret Castle (NES, 1 player, 600 Wii Points) Muscle March (WiiWare, 1-4 players, 500 Wii Points) Car Jack Streets (DSiWare, 1 player, 800 DSi Points) Flashlight (DSiWare, 1 player, 200 DSi Points) Flips: The Enchanted Wood (DSiWare, 1 player, 500 DSi Points) Libera Wing (DSiWare, 1 player, 800 DSi Points) Photo Dojo (DSiWare, 1-2 players, 200 DSi Points)

  • This Week on the Nintendo Channel: Faux-fighting

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    We usually write off Nintendo Week as nothing more than the usual PR flim-flam, but this week's episode on the Nintendo Channel is one to watch. The segments on Muscle March, Super Mario RPG and Little King's Story are nice, but there's an important lesson to be learned here: New Super Mario Bros. Wii ruins friendships. If you plan on partaking in Mario and Co.'s latest outing on the Wii, make sure those bonds are krazy glue strong; otherwise, you'll do something cliched ... like divide the room in half with tape. Head past the break for this week's Nintendo Channel content and be sure to check out the new Ace Attorney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth demo!

  • NintendoWare Weekly: Muscle March, Dark Void Zero, Starship Defense

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Today is probably the best day for DSiWare since the system launched. Four games arrive on the service, two of which we can honestly call "anticipated," and one of which we probably would have anticipated had we known it was coming. Capcom's cool DSiWare Dark Void prequel arrives just in time to help promote its big-system counterpart, and it's joined by a DSiWare release of a once-Europe-exclusive game and a new Q-Games release. And all of that awesome DSiWare content is going to be overshadowed by Muscle March on WiiWare.

  • Muscle March crashing into North America next week

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    WiiWare's been pretty good lately, but it's really lacking in ... musclebound, Speedoed dudes busting through walls. Have you noticed that? Thankfully, Namco Bandai noticed that as well, and is stepping in to help out, having announced that its WiiWare game Muscle March will be available on WiiWare next Monday, January 18. The best part? The publisher dropped the price by 300 Wii Points in the move from Japan to America, meaning we'll be able to download it for just 500 points! That's definitely in impulse-buy territory, which is where it belongs. Too bad Nintendo's point purchase system isn't really friendly to impulse buys. But hey, if you've still got 500 points on your Wii, you're all set! When we encoded the new trailer Namco sent along with the announcement, it somehow ended up both upside down and backwards. We figure it's not going to make much less sense this way than it would in the correct orientation. If you want, you can see it right side up after the break.

  • Strike a pose: Bandai Namco localizing Muscle March

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Confirmed: Bandai Namco has lost its damn mind. And we couldn't be happier! The company has officially announced a winter release for Muscle March, the WiiWare port of a limited-release arcade game about striking the right pose to lead a line of bodybuilders through holes in walls left by a bulked-up thief.Sure, it's reportedly awful, but it has multiplayer, and it's sure to be a conversation starter, with possible topics ranging from "what is this" to "why are we playing this." And while we're not assuming the quality is similar, does anyone else get a Katamari vibe from the music and art? It's quite likely that some of the same people are involved.%Gallery-79350%

  • USK predicts a Muscle March to Germany

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Muscle March, Namco's barely-released arcade game turned WiiWare oddity, may actually leave Japan, according to a rating found on the German USK ratings board. We didn't think Bandai Namco would ever make this delightful mistake, but if it's being planned for release in Germany, it's bound for the rest of the world as well.To be sure, such an awful decision on Banamco's part will result in a similar awful decision on our part: you can't make a game as weird as this (it's about racing a line of bodybuilders through posing-man-shaped holes in walls) and not expect us to throw our money at it. Even if we know it's terrible.[Via GamerBytes]

  • VC/WiiWare Tuesday: Muscle Marches On

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    Under normal circumstances, by far the biggest news on the Japanese Wii Shop this week would be Final Fantasy. Square Enix actually delivered the game on time to Virtual Console, and didn't even take the opportunity to jack the price up. Even if it is ancient, 500 points for a classic RPG is a great deal!But circumstances aren't normal this week: Muscle March, the game of posing a line of Speedo'd bodybuilders to run through walls in order to catch the thief who stole their protein powder, is out. Also on WiiWare, though less muscle-related: Arkanoid Plus!, a WiiWare release similar to the Arkanoid game for XBLA, and NEVES Plus.Virtual Console: Final Fantasy (Famicom, 1 player, 500 Wii Points) Splatterhouse (Arcade, 1 player, 800 Wii Points) WiiWare: Arkanoid Plus! (1-2 players, 800 Wii Points) Hamekomi Lucky Puzzle Wii (1-4 players, 500 Wii Points) 3℃ (1-2 players, 700 Wii Points) Muscle Koushinkyoku (Muscle March) (1-4 players, 800 Wii Points)

  • Behold and believe: Namco's Muscle March in motion

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    They should have sent a poet.Oh good -- we hadn't "pulled a Samuel Taylor Coleridge" when we wrote this morning's post about Namco's new WiiWare game, Muscle March. It wasn't a dream and it's even weirder in action than we could have imagined. Namco: please make a US release of this game happen, 'kay? Thanks.[Via Offworld]

  • WeirdWare: Namco's new Wii game features muscles, marching, madness

    Randy Nelson
    Randy Nelson

    We figured you wouldn't be needing your mind over the weekend so we've decided to blow it. Or, rather, Namco Bandai will with its new WiiWare game Muscle March. C'mon -- just look at that screenshot. Muscle-bound humans, flexing robots, random zoo animals on the HUD ... wait, there has to be a catch. Oh yeah: it's Japan-only, but hopefully not forever.The house of Katamari and Noby Noby Boy wants players to feel the burn as they stomp down city streets, through Meiji-era Japan and (naturally) the distant future with one goal in mind: catching the thief that's made off with their protein supplement. Using the Wiimote and Nunchuk, players must strike poses that match the shapes of holes the escaping crook has left while smashing through walls. And he needs the supplement for what, exactly?Namco, if you're reading this, we're pretty sure enough of us would download Muscle March to justify the likely limited localization cost. Oh, and if you do bring it over, you've totally got to license Kool-Aid Man. Smelling the potential? Oh yeah.