

  • Music Man Game Changer robo guitar features 250k pickup configurations (video)

    Joseph L. Flatley
    Joseph L. Flatley

    "Game Changer" must be the most over-used word in the world of technology, and we try to avoid it as much as possible. Thanks to Music Man, however, it looks like this time we won't be able to. The, ahem, Game Changer is -- in this case -- an all-analog pickup switching system similar to what we've seen in robot guitars in the past. Set to make its debut in select Reflect guitar and bass models this year, the system boasts over 250,000 pickup coil configurations, and since the pickup is being physically rewired, there is never any digitizing or modeling in the system. The USB port is for downloading different configurations from your computer -- many of which will be available on the company website, although of course you can always roll your own. Price and availability to be announced. Video after the break.