my first mac


  • My First Apple and why it rocks

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    I got my first Apple computer about 4 years ago. I have always been into music production, photography, and anything creative, and I had heard from lots of people that Macs worked better then PC's when it came to these things. I ended up looking on Ebay for a few weeks and eventually bought a white 13" MacBook for about $700. I got it about a week later and there was instantly a problem. The person I purchased it from did not tell me that the CD drive did not work. It would not accept any CD I tried to put in. After many attempts to try to contact the seller, I decided to take it in to my local Apple store and see how much it would be to fix. This was my first time ever going into an Apple store and I was very surprised to learn that they had the Apple Geniuses, technicians on site at the store. I brought my computer up to them and showed them the problem I was having with the CD drive. The guy behind the counter typed in the serial number for my Mac and told me it was within its one year Apple Care warranty. The next thing he said I was definitely not expecting. He told me because it was within its warranty they would replace the CD drive for free and it would be ready in about an hour. I was amazed! I've had computers before and never had this kind of service. When I came back to get my computer an hour later not only had they replaced the CD drive but also the keyboard which they said had a crack in it. They also explained to me that they had free workshops in the store throughout the week so that I could learn how to use all of the features on my Mac. Over the next few weeks I ended up making many trips to the Apple store with my Mac and learned a lot from the free workshops. I learned how to use iPhoto to do some photo editing and make albums. I also learned how to make my own website using iWeb. I started bringing my Mac everywhere I went and started realizing that I could be doing so many things at once on my Mac and it never slowed down & never froze up. I used it for school to write papers and take on line classes in addition to using it for my business. I used it with Quickbooks to manage my business and used it to do audio mixing at my house. After spending my time using my MacBook I knew I would never go back to using a PC if I had the choice. Also realizing that Macs were 99 percent virus free gave me peace of mind. I never installed virus protection software and I never got a virus. I recommended many of my friends to mac as well. I told them about my amazing tech support experience and showed them my computer and all it could do. Altogether I am very happy that I purchased my Apple computer. A year later I bought my second Apple computer. It is a Mac Pro desktop computer and I absolutely love it. I know from here on out I will continue to purchase Apple computers and refer all my friends and family to them.

  • My First Apple Computer: The Start of A Love Affair

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    Upon entering college in the summer of 1987, my only experience of computer use was a high school computer programming class. In the late 80's my high school curriculum still taught typing on typewriters and made computers seem like something from a science fiction movie. I went to college equipped with a word processor. That summer, as I sat in an unventilated classroom on the campus of Western Michigan University, my love affair began with Apple. This was a computer that didn't require algebraic equations to operate, and with a click of a button I easily navigated the various programs. As I adjusted to life on campus as a freshman, I returned to the familiar and wrote my course papers on a word processor. I would peck away late into the night and pray that my ink cartridge lasted through several drafts. As I became more comfortable in my new surroundings, I discovered the school computer lab and my beloved Apple. I would go to the lab with floppy disk in hand ready to endure a wait if necessary. The wait was worth precious Apple computer time. The Apples were not abundant and thus coveted even more. I distinctly remember the rounded edges and the light gray coloring of the monitor. It all seemed so futuristic. I felt like I was ready to take on the world and that anything was possible as I navigated the unfamiliar on the beautiful and enticing Apple computer. Eventually I discovered a little known fact; there was an Apple available for use in the Student Union. That became my new location of choice. There, I could draft my papers with limited interruption on the coveted Apple. Not everyone understood my love affair. "A computer is a computer," was a common sentiment. However, as an English major responsible for writing several papers, that certainly was not my sentiment. I loved the ease of typing on Apple's keyboard, its quick and easy navigation, and the user friendly design of the monitor. The Apple was enticing to me. It invited me to sit down and be creative. My ideas flowed in abundance when I sat down with my Apple. A lover of solitude when working, I was even able to block out my surroundings as I created on the Apple while relishing our love affair. Whenever I see a vintage Apple computer, I smile. It was the start of something big -- a revolution if you will. I wanted to be part of the revolution. Apple computers stood apart and benchmarked excellence in uncharted territory. As a college student, I felt that my own personal revolution had begun as I too strove to stand apart and achieve excellence. Apple captured my idealism and became part of my fond college memories.\It beckoned to me and encouraged me to fill its monitor with my best work. What a disappointment when I graduated from college and had to adjust to writing and being productive on a PC. I entered a foreign world of the workforce, and now had to navigate without my beloved Apple. Out of necessity, I quickly adjusted to the PC world. Suddenly, my love affair ended and real life took hold. As Apple reinvented itself, I have returned to my first love. I am now a proud owner of my own Mac computer. I still feel that Apple cultivates my creativity like no other computer. In a home with two other computers available to me, I unequivocally prefer my Mac. I will always be thankful to My First Apple for illuminating me and guiding me along the creative path.

  • The story of a happy Apple Macintosh convert

    Victor Agreda Jr
    Victor Agreda Jr

    After bashing my Dell computer keyboard too many times to count, and after reformatting my hard drive for the umpteenth time due to virus attacks, I finally conceded defeat and decided to buy a Mac. Not just any Mac, a MacBook Pro. It cost as much as two top of the line Dell desktops, but I knew that my money would pay off. I had always liked electronic gadgets and every time I upgraded my computer or cell phone, I spent about two or three days playing with it, checking out all the functions before I actually began using it. With the MacBook Pro, I was completely entranced by all its functions and settings. It was a computer that I could customize to my needs. But the best thing of all is that I didn't have to worry about virus attacks, Trojan horse attacks, Ad-aware attacks etc. -- I also felt more secure in making online purchases, after my credit card number had been stolen once already. I also relished the fact that I had just joined the minority of computer users. It is estimated that around 10% of computer users use an Apple computer and I finally understood the reason why once people start using a Mac, they never go back to Windows. No offense to the brilliance and ingenuity of Microsoft's engineers, but the software is riddled with bugs, hit by virus attacks, and subject to other vulnerabilities where a mid-level hacker can easily take advantage. Microsoft seems to roll out their new products when they are still at their "beta" phase and they are using the consumer to tell them what their bugs are, instead of testing their products to rid them of any bugs before rolling it out onto the market. A good friend of mine, who is a graphics and web designer, has always sworn by the Mac; in fact she never has less than two Macs at one time and like a cell phone, she "needs" to update her Mac every two years. When I would visit her home and borrow her computer, it was so aggravating because I didn't know how to use anything and I knew that she used her computers for her work; I didn't want to accidentally change any of her settings, which is the number one annoying thing a friend can do to you. So, i was frustrated a lot -- I didn't know where the windows went after I minimized them, I didn't know how to retrieve things that I had saved, and I vowed that I would never get one of these wretched machines. I will stick to my Windows Operating System, thank you very much! But all that changed when my Dell computer, which I spent a lot of money in upgrading, failed again. My sound went out because the sound card driver wasn't compatible with my version of the computer. I duly called up my computer technician, the one I go to when my computer is acting crazy and again he suggested that I bring it in and do a reformat. He is so accustomed to it that he doesn't even stop to think if there is something inherently wrong with these "IBM compatible" machines. So, in September of 2008, I purchased my first MacBook Pro. I loved its sleek design and it's versatility, though I didn't like the price so much. It was much more than what I am accustomed to paying for a computer -- but I knew it had to be done. Though Apple now offers free classes to first time users of any Apple computer product, I decided to try it on my own and sure enough, it wasn't that hard. I learned how to smoothly operate the Mac in less than one week. What I particularly love about Apple products is that you can always bring your machine into any Apple retail store and their Geniuses can diagnose your computer; if it's an application issue, they fix it for you on the spot, if it's a hardware issue, they tell you how much it will cost to fix it -- for free! It was then I realized that though I got my Dell computer at half of my Mac's price, the money I paid to upgrade and fix it may have made up the difference. So no, I am never going back to PC's again!

  • Twitterers remember their first Mac

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Reader Sam K. (thanks!) noticed the fun on Twitter -- lots of folks are sharing their memories of the first Mac they bought/used with the #firstmac hash tag, and boy is it fun reading through them. The responses are all over the place, from the old ][e (technically my first computer ever at school, though the first one I actually owned at home was a Tandy Color Computer my Dad bought from one of his coworkers) and //c up to the old iMacs and even a few people who can only claim iPod as the first Apple product they used. The first Mac I actually owned was much later than my first steps into BASIC -- when I needed a laptop a few years ago, I picked up a 12" Powerbook G4 and have been straight OS X ever since. It's great to read this stuff, because you can see just how Apple has shaped people's lives. I was amazed to hear all of the emotion in the calls to Steve on our talkcast last week, but looking at something like this Twitter feed (to put your own memories in, just mark a tweet with the #firstmac tag somewhere in there) really shows you how dedicated Apple's products have made the company's customers. These people have all bought a Mac, whether it was a Mac SE (errrr, a Mac Classic?) or a MacBook Air, and never looked back since. Very cool. And while we're at it, is it possible that you're on Twitter and haven't yet started following us? If not, jump in and do so now!