My Gamer Card


  • X3F H3 Beta: Leaderboard Reminder

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    Just a reminder that with the beta starting for the rest of you tomorrow, you may want to beef up your friends list with some like minded gamers who come from a good community to party up with. We introduced the Xbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 Beta Leaderboard as a tool for you to socialize with your fellow fanboy. So if you haven't already signed up, get on it tonight and add some of the cool blokes found therein. Don't forget to check out the other leaderboards if you haven't already.Xbox 360 Fanboy Halo 3 Beta ParticipantsOther X3F Leaderboards:Xbox 360 Fanboy LeaderboardXbox 360 Fanboy Leaderboard Mk. II

  • X3F sponsors NBA Live Achievement event

    David Dreger
    David Dreger

    We've told you, we've reminded you, and now we're officially sponsoring the 1,000 People Online Achievement Event alongside MyGamerCard and Xbox 360 Achievements. The scheduling hasn't changed, as it's still slated for 8:00 PM GMT (check your local time), and will last for 3 hours. This is going to be big and we're proud to be an integral part of this. Even Major Nelson recognized this by letting his readers know what was going down this weekend. Remember, this is going to be your last chance to get this Achievement. So, if you missed out on Achieve360Points moderately successful attempt, go get your hands on a copy of NBA Live 07 and we'll see you online Sunday.

  • Vote for the best MGC design

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    Most of you are probably familiar with, the site that allows you to create a persistent, customizable version of your GamerCard that you can put almost anywhere. In the last year MGC has added tons of new features to their service, including leaderboards and several custom card designs from which to choose. Now MGC is holding a contest to choose their next available design. Best of all, these designs are all user created and the winning design will be chosen by MGC members. If you'd like to participate, head over to MGC and vote (registration required).Which one is your favorite?

  • Sweet 360 Google plugin: GooMGC 2.0

    Richard Mitchell
    Richard Mitchell

    360 Fanboy reader Yves De Pryck has completed GooMGC version 2.0. For those that don't know, GooMGC is a Google homepage plugin that helps Live members keep track of all sorts of information. The plugin displays your GamerCard -- in a plethora of styles, via -- as well as the GamerCards of 16 of your closest friends. Also included is a Gamerscore reference chart so you can track your exploits. And if that's not enough for you, the plugin also houses a handy MS Points converter in a variety of currencies. Just stick this puppy next to your Google reader -- tuned to the 360 Fanboy RSS, of course -- and you've got yourself a one stop shop for all of your 360 needs. Go get it and tell us what you think.