my so-called


  • My So-Called Cellphone


    My So-Called Cellphone is part of a series of retrospectives where the editors of Engadget detail their first brushes with technology. Join them, won't you? The first laptop was a major life change for the nerds among us, but the first cellphone has become a milestone in life that nearly all of humanity can share. It seems like every year kids are getting phones at a younger age, racking up bigger SMS bills than ever, and generally just getting up to no good with this awesome, ubiquitous technology. Follow after the break as Engadget editors step into the mental Wayback Machine and walk through those happy, simpler times when getting their very first cellphone was greatest thing ever. Then hit up the comments and regale us with your own story. And yes, we do want to know your Snake high score.

  • My So-Called Laptop


    My So-Called Laptop kicks off a new series of retrospectives where the editors of Engadget detail their first brushes with technology. Join them, won't you? We were awkward, young, innocent, and oh-so-nerdy. They were painful times, back when being called a "nerd" wasn't exactly a compliment, and our best shot at an "internet connection" involved kicking our siblings off the phone and dialing up a BBS for our valued time slot. Still, there were bright lights at the end of the tunnel, and here we are writing at Engadget, having our passion for tech validated on a daily basis by a vibrant industry and an obsessive community. So now, with all sorts of "perspective" and "maturity," we've decided to take a trip down memory lane, remembering our very first gadgets through rose-colored glasses. To kick things off? Our first laptops. Most of us started out nerd life chained to a desk, and remember well that first moment when we were able to cut the cord and take our work (or pleasure) on the go. We've ordered these from oldest to newest, so the real "olds" get a first crack at showing up the young whipper snappers among us, but what we're most excited about is hearing what your first laptop was in comments. Don't be shy, nobody will judge. Probably.