

  • I just looted a Mysterious Unhatched Egg!

    David Nelson
    David Nelson

    I saw this thread in the general forums, and it really got me thinking...there are a TON of really weird (sometimes entirely useless) items floating around Azeroth.I remember grinding in Winterspring with my first level 55 toon, and I came across a Mysterious Unhatched Egg. Being still somewhat of a noob, I didn't take notice of the gray lettering of the item name and I thought I had come across something pretty special. I linked it in guild chat and was told by the higher-ups that it was useless and I was, in fact, still very much a noob. Bummer. Thinking they might be wrong, I hit Thottbot, and sure enough, it was indeed useless. But it does sell for 19 silver to a vendor, so from that angle, the only mystery in regards to the egg is why the vendor wants it so badly. The thread in the forums has a lot of great examples of weird in-game items, such as the Shiny Dinglehopper, Worn Running Shoes and my person favorite: A Frayed Knot. A Frayed Knot always reminds me of my go-to joke when trying to impress kids on the playground in elementary school. Needless to say, I was not the coolest guy in town.Do you guys have any weird items you hold onto just to link from time to time? What's your favorite?