

  • Self-imposed limitations on leveling

    John Himes
    John Himes

    There is a special breed of player who's not content to level from 1 to 70 in the ordinary manner. Instead, they choose to place hindrances on themselves to create a more challenging experience. Gutrot of the European Aerie Peak realm is one example. He finally attained level 70 a few weeks ago after months of questing and killing creatures naked, with no weapons or visible armor aside from his trusty loincloth. His feat has made him a minor Wow celebrity and there was a huge party when he finally hit the level cap. Other players have placed different limitations on themselves, seemingly inspired by Gutrot. For instance, Gweryc and Kakita are both melee-only hunters while Noor is a pacifist, trying to reach the level cap without killing anything.I've always been intrigued by this sort of idea, and have even made a character or two myself that had such limitations placed upon them. Recently, during the long dark night between patches, I got bored with my mindless and aimless farming and decided to create a new alt. I decided that this character would be a Draenei warrior, but that he would only fight unarmed, with a staff or with a throwing weapon. I also decided that he could only wear cloth or leather items. I suppose my idea was based somewhat on a sketchy notion of some kind of fighting monk.

  • Naked troll throws a party to hit 70

    Mike Schramm
    Mike Schramm

    Gutrot, who has earned some acclaim for leveling an entirely naked Troll Warrior (no armor, no weapons, no nothing) has almost finished his quest, and he's throwing a party on his server, EU Aerie Peak, so everyone can watch.He's going to hit level 70 on Saturday night at Sen'jin Beach just outside the Orc and Troll starter area (not sure how he's going to level up there, but I guess he's got plans), and he's inviting everyone on the EU realms to come over, roll a naked troll of their own, and celebrate with him. Sounds like a lot of fun-- I can't make it, as I'm in the US, but it definitely seems like a good time to hang out as a bunch of naked trolls, not to mention that making it all the way to 70 naked and unarmed is quite an achievement.Things are set to kick off at 9:30 pm UK time-- if you head over, take lots of pictures, and send us the galleries. A bunch of naked trolls is something I've got to see.Thanks, Centipede!