
  • World's largest HD screen makes its debut tonight during NASCAR All-Star race

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Keep your (reasonably sized) HDTV tuned to Speed Network this evening to check out the world's largest HD screen for yourself, when it makes its debut during the festivities for the NASCAR Sprint Cup All-Star Race. According to a tweet by the Charlotte Motor Speedway the debut should happen at about 6:50 p.m., and the main event race is scheduled to start around 9 p.m. Panasonic and CMS partnered on the new screen and are paying for it by splitting advertising revenue including ads that will appear during the race and promotions like the History Channel's sponsorship of a NASCAR Nationwide race next week. We've already seen virtual racing on the screen when Dale Earnhardt Jr. played some iRacing on it but tonight is the first time the 16,000 square foot 720p LED screen will see real racing action.

  • Charlotte Motor Speedway and its huge HD screen will host the Top Gear 300 in May

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Answering the question of what to do with its massive high definition display, the Charlotte Motor Speedway has teamed up with the History Channel to sponsor its first NASCAR Nationwide race on the schedule, now dubbed the Top Gear 300. During the race, clips from the upcoming second season will play on the 200 foot wide display, although we doubt even that could bring it up to par with the UK version. Still, we'll see what the new season of Top Gear USA has in store, and what it's like to see such a massive screen at a racetrack May 28th.

  • Activision and Eutechnyx making NASCAR The Game 2011

    JC Fletcher
    JC Fletcher

    The rumors are true. Activision is now publishing NASCAR games, after EA's abandonment of the racing license. As if to rub it in, the first Eutechnyx-developed racer has been named NASCAR The Game 2011. As in "the only game." ESPN revealed that Activision is acting as a distributor for the title, and the licensing deal is between NASCAR and Eutechnyx directly. "[NASCAR] really got excited about this because this isn't some big publisher using some anonymous external developer," Eutechnyx's North American EVP Ed Martin told ESPN. "We are out there with these guys. We are working with not only NASCAR, but the drivers and the R&D center and the engine builders and everyone is really excited about the fact that we are right there with them. Eutechnyx owns the license, we're developing the game, and it's a dynamic partnership with Activision. They've been great to work with." NASCAR The Game 2011 will be in stores in February 2011, for Xbox 360, PS3, and Wii.%Gallery-103784%

  • Panasonic, Charlotte Motor Speedway team up for the biggest HD screen ever

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It's been a bad week for Jerry Jones. Not only are the Cowboys 0-2, but Panasonic and Charlotte Motor Speedway have announced plans to take away his record for the largest HD video screen anywhere. Scheduled to debut in May 2011, the 720p, 16,000 sq ft (200 feet wide, 80 feet tall, 165,000 lbs, more specs are in the press release after the break) LED video wall will be installed along the backstretch between turns 2 and 3 at the race track allowing fans seated on the frontstretch to still see drivers shake and bake all the way around the track. A quick perusal of Wikipedia's list of top videoboards reminds of former contenders for the title -- massive screens at stadiums hosting the Kansas City Royals, Tokyo horse racing, Longhorns football and Miami Dolphins will all drop one more notch on the list.

  • Rumor: Activision gearing up for NASCAR game

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    If EA's cancellation of its series of NASCAR games has left your need -- your need for speed -- unsatisfied, you'll want to wish on all your lucky stars that this particular rumor is legit. A since-closed thread on the forums of developer Eutechnyx purportedly includes a logo and concept art for NASCAR 2011. VG247 reports that UK sources have confirmed that the title is real and will be published by Activision. Eutechnyx's Dave Thompson explained to a stock car enthusiast on Twitter that "an announcement is being made soon about our plans," so we shouldn't have to wait long to see if this story pans out. In any event, we're going to go watch Days of Thunder and Talladega Nights a few times so we can stock up on references -- if we end up writing about a NASCAR game over the next year, we're going to need something to say.

  • NASA set to send Juno 'armored tank' spacecraft to Jupiter

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    NASA is gearing up to send an "armored tank" spacecraft called Juno to Jupiter this month, after several delays and reschedulings. The environment that Juno is to face will be one of the most treacherous any spacecraft has ever endured -- so Juno has all sorts of special features, such as a radiation vault, a protective shield to protect it from Jupiter's insanely radiation-heavy environs. An invisible force field surrounds Jupiter (a less powerful one also surrounds our own planet) which is heavy with high energy particles to shield it from highly charged particles which shoot off the sun. The mission will result in Juno orbiting Jupiter, the largest planet in the Solar System, for 15 months. Scientists have also devised a route that should shelter the craft from spending extended periods of time in the harshest zones. Juno's trip will also be the first ever solar powered mission to Jupiter.

  • Comcast, Time Warner, Bright House pick up Coke Zero 400 3D broadcast

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    Looks like Turner Sports has no problem sharing its first NASCAR 3D broadcast, and as a result Comcast, Bright House Networks and Time Warner are all on board for the July 3 Coke Zero 400 race. Already announced for DirecTV and internet streaming, the night race will have two feeds, one of trackside cameras and one on the pits and feature the network's "Wide Open" format, promising more unobstructed race action free of national commercial breaks. Of course, we'd like to know what the next big 3D event is more than just a couple of weeks ahead of time, but if you're one of the few with the necessary hardware, we're sure any content is welcome no matter how it arrives.

  • NASCAR upgrades Coke Zero 400 to 3D July 3 on PC and DirecTV

    Richard Lawler
    Richard Lawler

    It's time to add another 3D sporting event to your calendar, now that NASCAR and Turner Sports have gone public with plans for a 3D broadcast of the Coke Zero 400 July 3. Viewers can watch on DirecTV or online via TNT RaceBuddy. The hardware requirements for PC viewing are similar to those from the Masters broadcast, and we don't expect to hear DirecTV is in a more sharing mood than cable companies were then, so it will probably be the only option to watch this on TV. NASCAR is promising two custom feeds for the 3D broadcast, with one consisting of strategically placed track side cameras, and another focused on pit road. We're really waiting for a 3D Gopher Cam, in wall cam, and roof mounted cameras, but those can probably wait for the second race that airs in 3D.

  • Ubisoft, Sony, EA and Disney settle voice recognition lawsuit

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    One year after a being sued for allegedly infringing on a voice recognition technology patent, publishers Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, Sony Computer Entertainment, and Disney Interactive Studios have decided to settle the matter out of court, according to Gamasutra. On November 10th, 2009, Bareis Technologies, LLC filed a lawsuit claiming titles such as SOCOM, Tom Clancy's EndWar and NASCAR and Phonics Quest, infringed on a 1996 patent that outlined a process of speech recognition templates to be present on optical disks in order to access specific information and issue commands for control purposes. Originally, Bareis Technologies' patent was largely targeted towards accessing specific music tracks on audio CDs, making no mention of the concept being used to control game functions. According to the report, the U.S. District Court's Eastern District of Texas Tyler Division approved a motion applied by all defendants in the claim requesting a mutual dismissal on April 21, 2010. That, in turn, dismissed all counterclaims made in the process. The terms of the settlement were not revealed, although the court documents obtained by Gamasutra state all parties will pay their own legal fees.

  • NASCAR director calls Gran Turismo 5 the best NASCAR game to date

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    It's been nearly two years since EA Sports called it quits on the NASCAR franchise (a little less if you count NASCAR Kart Racing). NASCAR gamers are growing impatient and, for better or for worse, will have to wait for the perpetually-delayed Gran Turismo 5 to get their NASCAR fix. At the very least, fans can take comfort in knowing that Blake Davidson, managing director of licensed products at NASCAR, has incredible faith in the game. "They're going to do it better than anybody's ever done it before," he stated in a video posted on the PlayStation.Blog. "It's really the next step for us, it's the best depiction of what NASCAR cars are in any driving game to date." Certainly a bold statement, considering NASCAR is just one feature in the racer. According to Davidson, one of the reasons why NASCAR teamed up with Polyphony Digital is the recommendation of one of the sports most famous racers today. "Dale Earnhardt, Jr. himself actually came to us and said 'you really need to look at Polyphony Digital. They're a great developer, the best in the world at what they do.'"

  • Nothing says 'BioShock' like stock car racing

    Griffin McElroy
    Griffin McElroy

    [Image via] We get so jealous of the professional oval-navigators in the National Association for Stock Car Auto Racing -- their rides get all the sweet paint jobs. What, you think our Toyota Matrix wouldn't look sweet decked out in Home Depot stickers, with a large, arbitrary number plastered on our driver's side door? That's automotive bigotry. Speaking of, GameStop-sponsored NASCAR racer Joey Logano's latest whip was revealed during yesterday's Sprint Cup practice races: The Big Daddy-branded car seen above. That's actually a pretty great strategy -- can you imagine being one of the other drivers on the track, and seeing a massive drillmonster approaching from behind?

  • Hands-on: Days of Thunder (XBLA/PSN)

    Kevin Kelly
    Kevin Kelly

    click to enlarge Paramount Digital Entertainment and Piranha Games are bringing Days of Thunder to the Xbox 360 and PS3 this summer and it has a major actor attached. It's not Tom Cruise, Cary Elwes, Robert Duval, Randy Quaid or even John C. Reilly from the film of the same name, though. Nope, it's Michael Rooker? "Who?," you might be asking? Remember the guy who got stinkpalmed in Mallrats? Yes, that's him. Rowdy Burns himself. He'll play your crew chief in this downloadable title, until he gets back in a race car and challenges you on the track. Days of Thunder plays like an extremely scaled down version of EA's NASCAR series, meaning you hold down the accelerator and rarely use the brake. You can draft other cars to "Drop the Hammer" and slingshot around them and spend points on one of four categories to improve the three different car types. Update: Paramount has contacted us and asked us to remove the gameplay video, because more impressive material is in the works! Does that sound believable? And will NASCAR throw their weight behind this game? It was announced at an official NASCAR event, and the movie is NASCAR themed to the gills, but who knows. That license isn't EA exclusive anymore. Check out screenshots and photos from the first-look event below, then read more details after the break. %Gallery-84446% %Gallery-84447%

  • Ubisoft, Sony, EA and Disney sued over voice recognition patent

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    CJ Sorg On November 10th, Bareis Technologies, LLC filed a lawsuit against Ubisoft, Sony Computer Entertainment, Electronic Arts and Disney Interactive Studios, claiming that various games, including Tom Clancy, SOCOM and NASCAR titles, infringe upon a patent filed in 1996. "Optical disk having speech recognition templates for information access" describes a process "integrating automatic speech recognition technologies into optical disk players for command and control purposes." As is typical with lawsuits of this nature, the plaintiff is seeking "no less than a reasonable royalty" for the supposed use of this "stolen" technology. Should the case make it to court, the plaintiff will have a few hurdles to overcome. Primarily, lawyers will have to prove how a patent largely targeted towards accessing specific music tracks on audio CDs is applicable to the video games in question. Considering it's been over seven years since the debut of the first SOCOM game, it's surprising that the plaintiff has waited so long to file this suit. Perhaps it's telling that the company going forward with the lawsuit has done so little in the thirteen years since filing the trademark that it has no web presence whatsoever. [Via GamePolitics]

  • Moore: 'No plans right now' for new NASCAR installment

    Xav de Matos
    Xav de Matos

    EA's time with the NASCAR series has come to an end, at least for the time being, says EA Sports boss Peter Moore. Speaking with GameSpot UK, Moore said that the sports division of the mega-publisher has "no plans right now" to develop a new NASCAR title. Since debuting in 1997, EA Sports has developed nearly 20 NASCAR based racing games -- ending with the Wii-exclusive NASCAR Kart Racing in early 2009. According to Moore, the company was forced to make "tough trade-offs," sending an undisclosed number of NASCAR developers to work on the upcoming -- and controversial -- EA Sports MMA title. Thankfully, EA has filled any void we'd have for the loss of one racing franchise with no less than sixteen Need for Speed games by the end of 2010*. *We're exaggerating. We hope.

  • Gran Turismo 5 trailer reveals damage system, amongst other features

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    While perusing through the Joystiq Pile o' E3 Trailers™, we realized we had forgotten to post this gorgeous direct-feed footage of Gran Turismo 5. It flashed by too quickly during the Sony press conference for us to truly understand all the new features hidden in the trailer. Here's what we noticed: Damage!We captured this still frame from the trailer, showing off what appears to be a new damage model for vehicles. Look at the bent hood, the crack on the car's side. Are those scratches in the car's paint? We think so. FIA World Rally ChampionshipThe off-road challenges in Gran Turismo 5 look absolutely gorgeous, showcasing the engine's impressive ability to render particles. NASCARThis is a huge license for GT5 to feature as NASCAR fans are as hardcore as they come. With EA Sports slowly pulling away from the franchise, hardcore racing enthusiasts will turn to GT for their fix. The vehicle liveries look accurate -- important for the NASCAR fan. New cockpit viewFinally, we were treated to a second of footage from what appears to be a new cockpit view. The camera seems to be pulled farther back, revealing more of the drivers inside. It doesn't seem practical for races, but it is very dramatic. What else can you pinpoint in the trailer? Check it out after the break.

  • Palm Pre makes conspicuous appearance at large gathering of cool people

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    We don't know a lot about driving cars really fast, but we do know one thing: this guy sure does seem excited about the prospect of a touchscreen-driven, QWERTY-equipped slider smartphone with webOS, from struggling handset manufacturer Palm. Apparently at some point during the race somebody from Sprint confirmed that they'll be outing a launch date in the "next couple of days." We like the sound of that.[Thanks, Leo B. and Kenny]Read - PreCentral forumsRead - Sprint's NASCAR landing page

  • Transplant's Dale Earnhardt Jr. GPS will get you where you're goin', good buddy

    Tim Stevens
    Tim Stevens

    Computerized GPs voices too dispassionate for you? K.I.T.T. too snarky? Mr. T always falling asleep? Maybe what you need is a good 'ol boy GPS, something with a hint of southern drawl and Wrangler Jeans style. Dale Earnhardt Jr. is the man for the job, providing his voice to a special edition Rightway Spotter GPS from Transplant and ALK Technologies. He'll give you distances, speak some street names, and even tell you to "park it" when you're there (watch the video below to feel like you're actually going somewhere). It's got custom data for Junior's favorite hangouts and naturally has all the NASCAR series tracks programmed in, too. For $229 all this can be yours; buy now and they'll throw in the ability to turn right.

  • Pandora, Amazon, other third-party apps demoed on Palm Pre

    Chris Ziegler
    Chris Ziegler

    Dovetailing dreamingly with the company's SDK announcement today, Palm's chosen CTIA to show off a round of third-party apps for the Pre, and the good news is that they're definitely dispelling some doubts we had about the robustness of webOS' development platform and its ability to deliver compelling software. We were emphatically reminded that everything here is strictly for the sake of preview -- it's all beta, just like the Pre itself -- but that being said, it all looked smooth and relatively crash-free (as best as we could gather anyhow without giving it a more ruthless hands-on beating of our own). First off, we saw a NASCAR app, perfect for die-hard fans (but really, even more perfect for Sprint's track record of sponsoring NASCAR events) that culls video highlights, driver profiles, and more. Next, we were treated to a brief look at the Pre's Google Maps implementation, Pandora, Amazon's music store, and FlightView, a trick little flight status app that every frequent traveler will likely want loaded. We also saw a Pre version of the Sprint TV player -- a staple service on most of Sprint's devices -- proving that the Pre has the stones to handle multimedia within its development framework. Video was just a little bit choppy, but they're not making any claims that this is final, optimized code at this point. The best part of the whole demo, perhaps, is Pandora's notification implementation, which brings up a mini-player by tapping on the "P" visible at the bottom of any Pre screen; from here, you can play / pause, rank tracks up and down, and see a full track name, all without leaving the comfort of whatever app you might be in. Try that on an iPhone, eh? Follow the break for video!

  • EA's NASCAR exclusivity in question, sim series 'on hold'

    James Ransom-Wiley
    James Ransom-Wiley

    Throw up your caution flags if you've got 'em, folks. Word from the NASCAR News Wire is that EA's annual racing sim is "on hold," according to SportsBusiness Journal reporter Michael Smith. Backing up this claim, EA product marketing manager Randy Chase referred to the NASCAR sim series as "the old game" while describing the "lighthearted" appeal of the new Kart version of the franchise, which was released for Wii earlier this month. Additionally, Blake Davidson, managing director of NASCAR's licensed products, has suggested that the company is currently considering the "best model" to tap into its gaming demographic, which may include licensing its rights to multiple publishers (EA has held exclusivity since 1997 -- correction: 2003; those rights expire this year). "Do we continue with an exclusive model or go nonexclusive? Do we need annual releases? This is a very important category for us," said Davidson of NASCAR games, which rank in the top five revenue-generating licenses for the business.Update: "NASCAR Kart Racing on the Wii is the only NASCAR-licensed video game that will ship this year from EA Sports. Due to the family-friendly atmosphere of NASCAR, we felt that a title developed exclusively for the Wii platform was the best scenario for the NASCAR racing video game franchise and fans of racing alike," a representative from EA Tiburon, the NASCAR franchise developer, confirmed with Joystiq. Read how EA Tiburon answered a few ancillary questions about exclusivity after the break.[Via FirstCuts -- thanks Chris! Image credit: tequilamike]

  • EA reveals 'Outsiders' for NASCAR Kart Racing

    David Hinkle
    David Hinkle

    Not to be confused with Ponyboy or Sodapop, NASCAR Kart Racing's 'Outsiders' are racers custom created for the game. These are folks that don't exist in real life, unlike the 14 licensed drivers found in the racing title. Those may look like cartoons, but they're actual NASCAR drivers. We know. We checked. Online.Check out the video above and check out new screens in the gallery below.%Gallery-38567%