

  • PlayStation Network offering free holiday rentals

    Andrew Yoon
    Andrew Yoon

    Sony is offering a free stocking stuffer to PlayStation Network members this Christmas. From December 24 - 26, Nativity and Black Christmas will be available as free rentals. But, are these gifts -- or are they lumps of coal?

  • Baby Jesus and Co. get free GPS devices this holiday season

    Laura June Dziuban
    Laura June Dziuban

    The baby Jesus in the manger continues to be too enticing a prospect for some sticky-fingered pranksters, apparently. We've seen GPS tech harnessed on a small scale in the past to stave off such thievery, but now the counter-attack is going national. LightningGPS and their partner BrickHouse Security have announced that any house of worship or school can rent and use their GPS devices (and hidden cameras!) free of charge throughout the holiday season to protect the baby G and his family, the menorah, and uh... Santa. Nice to see they're covering all the religious bases here.

  • All the World's a Stage: The passing of the Beast

    David Bowers
    David Bowers

    All the World's a Stage isn't just a column for loony and creative geeks, playing with roles every Sunday evening.The Lunar Festival has been with us for a few days now, and I can tell you as one living in China, the real life version of this holiday, the Chinese Spring Festival, is quite the treat. Everyone seems to walk around charged with a special happiness, traveling all around the country, glad to be reunited with family after spending months away. Shops are closed, streets have more people walking than driving, and nights ring loud with the sound of fireworks bursting from all around you.The WoW version is a pale imitation, to be honest, but it does manage to capture a portion of the Spring Festival's spirit. While setting off fireworks is not the awesomest eye-candy, it's not that bad; also, traveling all over the world to visit the Elder ghosts scattered all around Azeroth is charming in its own way. The main thing that's missing, however, is a real understanding of what the holiday is all about.Few Westerners realize that the annual attack of the monster "Nian" (on which the story of WoW's Omen is based) forms the mythological backstory for the Spring Festival -- sort of an equivalent of the Nativity story of Christmas. The Chinese words for "Celebrate the New Year," Guo Nian, could also be literally translated as "The passing of the Beast." If we look at the symbolism behind this Chinese myth, it can give the Lunar Festival new meaning for our characters in Azeroth as well.

  • Jesus and fam outfitted with GPS in Florida nativity scene

    Paul Miller
    Paul Miller

    Tired of prankster kids making off with baby Jesus year after year, Dina Cellini of Bal Harbour, Florida is having GPS installed in the doll, as well as the Joseph and Mary statues. "We may need to rely on technology to save our savior,'' said Cellini. Last year they tried bolting down the figures, to no avail, and this year they'll be augmenting the GPS with a Plexiglass screen. We're saving all our good wise man jokes for tomorrow's festivities, but feel free to toss your own into the comments.[Via The Inquirer]