

  • Tony  Savino via Getty Images

    Navajo Nation may undo genetic research ban in hopes of better care

    Mallory Locklear
    Mallory Locklear

    The Navajo Nation banned genetic studies in 2002 due to concerns over how its members' genetic material would be used, but, as Nature News reports, the Navajo are considering a reversal of that policy. An oncology center is set to open next year on Navajo lands and the tribe's research-ethics board is looking into allowing some genetic research to take place at the facility.

  • Intel pledges money to train potential Navajo code writers

    Mariella Moon
    Mariella Moon

    Earlier this year, Intel promised to make an effort to hire more women and minorities, and by the looks of things, the company's making good on its word. Its latest move? Pledging $250,000 per year for three years to three Navajo Nation high schools in Arizona, in hopes of inspiring kids to become coders. Intel engineer Jolene Bengay (above) announced the company's project during an event honoring the Navajo code talkers of World War II. "We know that if we're really going to fill in the (talent) pipeline," said Intel's Diversity initiative deputy director Barbara McAllister, "we need to aggressively address the gaps in that talent."​