

  • Insider Trader: Highlights of Wrath crafting part one

    Amanda Miller
    Amanda Miller

    Insider Trader is your inside line on making, selling, buying and using player-made products.Wrath of the Lich King has added some wonderful crafting changes, from new abilities to better, more efficient systems. Blizzard's intention is to move us away from feeling that we have no real choice when selecting a profession. 'I am a cloth-wearer, therefore I must take up tailoring' is a thing of the past. Each profession has bulked up its profession-only benefits, as well as fun items and marketable goods, to the point that your choice can be more properly swayed by what you would like to do. While you are leveling your chosen fields, you will notice many interesting recipes popping up at fairly regular intervals, giving you small goals to look forward to and work towards. This week, I will be showcasing the highlights of Leatherworking and Blacksmithing, including when you can train these recipes, which factions have what you need, and what it is that makes you unique and important.

  • The Queue: Tradeskill bits and pieces

    Alex Ziebart
    Alex Ziebart

    Welcome back to The Queue, WoW Insider's daily Q&A column where the WoW Insider team answers your questions about the World of Warcraft.First off, I want to apologize for an error I made yesterday. I didn't research the sockets that Blacksmiths can give only to themselves enough, and due to one-part misinformation, one-part assumption, I said those sockets overwrite enchants from Enchanting. That's actually not true. Leatherworking's fur linings do overwrite enchants. Tailoring's cloak embroidery overwrites enchants. Blacksmithing's sockets do not. Again, I apologize for that. Socket One-Handed Weapon still never made it into the game, though. With that all said, let's get into the questions.pietrex asked...I've got another question about sockets. I remember that we had lots of socketed quest rewards in Outlands. But I've completed three zones in Northrend and seen only few of these. Does it change in mid-70 zones or do we have to wait until we get our hands on gear from Heroics?