

  • Iris Online enters second closed beta

    Eliot Lefebvre
    Eliot Lefebvre

    Testing for Iris Online is something that isn't going to float everyone's boat... but one glance at the game's screenshots should make it clear that it will be deeply satisfying to certain people. There's no other game in which you can ride a purple cat with a jester's cap, for instance. If that tickles your fancy, you'll be happy to know that the game's second closed beta test has started, complete with bonuses to both former participants and those who didn't get a chance to test the game the first time around. Beta testers from the previous phase will be happy to find that their prior characters have not been wiped, allowing them to continue playing from where they had left off. Players who weren't in the previous test, on the other hand, will be able to take part in this testing phase, as a beta key is not required for this phase of testing. The client download link is available with the official announcement, so Iris Online hopefuls should take a look now and get to work on earning their purple cat.