

  • Nike announces updated Nike+ SportBand

    The original Nike+ SportBand was pretty well received when it rolled out last year, but time marches on, and Nike's now back for another go 'round with a slightly updated model, plus a few other bonuses for the runners and walkers out there. In addition to some new two-tone color schemes, the updated Nike+ SportBand packs an improved screen with a white background for better visibility, along with a welded seal for water resistance and, of course, all the usual Nike+ features that can be used in conjunction with iPod nano, iPod touch, or iPhone (though you can also just use the device on its own). According to Boing Boing Gadgets' just-published review of the device (linked below), all of that is "pretty rad" and, at just $59, is certainly affordable, especially considering that it can also double as a watch. What's more, Nike's also announced that it has merged its existing and sites into one site, and it's dropped word that an iPhone / iPod touch-specific website is also in the works, although there's no word on a launch date for it just yet.Read - Nike+ SportBand Press ReleaseRead - Boing Boing Gadgets Review[Via ipodnn]

    Donald Melanson
  • Apple has so much more where Nike+ came from

    Apple has a batch diagrams and patent-speak that it just shuffled past the patent office, detailing a next-generation Nike+ system that will make runners jump for joy, and non-athletes groan in agony. We're not sure if this is going to be something that Nike can just build shoes for and use existing Apple hardware, or if this'll be a reworking of the whole kit, but there's a lot of new stuff going on here. The system relies on integrating GPS and additional shoe-based sensors into the system, put to work in measuring your stride, the condition of the shoe, and perhaps even blasting you advertisements along your run route. The system can measure your velocity with accuracy in the range of 0.1 MPH, and let you know if you're a toe-planter or a heel-planter when you run. It just can't lug your lazy ass out of bed.

    Paul Miller