
  • Japanese government sells its Nintendo stock

    Jason Wishnov
    Jason Wishnov

    Wait, what? It turns out that the Japanese seat of power actually owned around 1.4% of Nintendo's stock, coming in at a pricey $557 million dollars ... turns out they made quite a profit, seeing as how Nintendo's stock has gone up 43% in the past six months alone.The unfortunate consequence of this action, however, is that Nintendo's stock value dropped by 2.7% to 32,950 yen per share. Before the Sony fanboys doom-sayers come out in full force, however, it should be noted that our sister site Joystiq notes that the government sold the shares as per Nintendo's request; the gaming giant actually wanted to increase the number of individual share-holders.Should you go buy some NTDOY stock? If you're business-savvy, why not? Nintendo's been on a roll financially, and it can't hurt to revel in some of their success.

  • TIME.com bestows gadget honorific on DS Lite

    Christopher Grant
    Christopher Grant

    TIME.com extended its weighty hand and anointed Nintendo's latest "innovation" the coveted honorific of "Gadget of the Week." What is interesting, however, is that writer Wilson Rothman spends most of his time on the games and not the gadget they're played on. Sure, he offers the obligatory "it looks like Apple made it" comment, but devotes the remainder of his column to Nintendo's mainstream secret weapon: their Touch Generations line."What has captivated the attention of the gaming press has been the introduction of a new series of games geared towards older folks, dubbed Touch Generations. First came Brain Age, a surprisingly enjoyable math-and-reading game that a Japanese doctor designed to keep your mind limber - mental calisthenics."Don't know what gaming press he's talking about. We're far more interested in the cubic volume of the bloody thing than what games it plays. Harumph, harumph, harumph. Hey, I didn't hear a "harumph" out of that guy!