

  • Technology helped me through the emotional roller coaster of CES

    James Trew
    James Trew

    Humans love to control how they feel. Booze and coffee have been perking us up and lubricating social situations for millennia. Mood-enhancing technology, on the other hand, usually tries to emulate a cup of joe or a glass of wine but without the need for rinsing your liver. I'm generally OK with pumping chemicals into my body, but with a few mood-changing gadgets catching my eye in the run-up to this year's CES, I thought I'd give some a go. The hope was that I could avoid the usual uppers-and-downers routine that a week in Vegas demands.

  • ReNu is an acoustic kit that sends calming vibes to your brain

    Mona Lalwani
    Mona Lalwani

    Millions of Americans live with chronic or episodic anxiety. While technology has become one of the main contributors of that stress, it also has the potential to provide the solution. The market for stress-reducing technologies has been booming for a few years. NuCalm, from Solace Lifesciences, was first introduced in 2010 as a drug-free, stress-intervention system that moderated adrenaline levels in the body. The technology, which was adopted in clinical settings such as dental clinics over the past few years, now has a consumer headset version. At CES today, the company introduced ReNu, a stress-management kit that induces a deep slumber through a proprietary software.